French Yule Log Cake


Photo: Jennifer Yu

Jennifer Yu is a breast cancer survivor and talented cook who writes the blog use real butter. She’s also a scientist (!) with a Ph.D. in geology from Cornell and B.S. in engineering at Caltech.

Yu’s true passion is photographing nature, though, and she’s got quite the backyard to capture: she lives in the picturesque Colorado Rockies. When she’s not snapping photos of the mountain views, Yu is hitting the ski slopes. Nothing slows down this lady!

Yu’s #yahoofoodcakeofthday is a Yule log cake, also known as bûche de Noël, and it’s representative of her life: there’s a lot going on! She makes chocolate mousse, Dacquoise (a cake made with layers of meringue and buttercream), and praline feuilleté (thin crepes with pralines) over the course of three days, then assembles them into a mold and glazes them with dark chocolate. Phew! Check out Yu’s recipe for the step-by-step tutorial.

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