You'll Be Shocked by how Much Sugar Is in Your Food

Guess what three-fourths of a donut, two-thirds of a can of Coke, and about a half an Odwalla have in common?

You got it! That (25 grams) constitutes your allotted amount of sugar for the whole day, according to the World Health Organization.

Click on this video (and maybe peek through the fingers of one hand, as we did) to see how much ketchup you’re supposed to be having with those fries, and how much you just overdid it with that BBQ sauce.

It’s illuminating… and slightly terrifying.

More on the sweet stuff:

A few hidden sources of sugar you may not have noticed

A metropolis built from 50,000 sugarcubes is pretty sweet!

What’s the deal with sugar shacks?

Which of these surprised you the most?