Double Your Energy with These 7 Commandments

Fuel your body with the right stuff. (Photo: Getty Images)

Yuri Elkaim was a soccer star growing up, but struggled with extreme fatigue and digestion problems.

It wasn’t until all his hair fell out at age 17 (within a six-week period!) that he realized something was really wrong.

Fast-forward a couple decades, and Yuri has become a New York Times best-selling author and holistic nutritionist, appearing in national media outlets.

Yuri has made a business around breaking down the incredibly complex world of nutrition and health, uncovering the foods that give us energy and those that drain us.

Related: 10 Ways To Boost Your Energy Naturally

If you are a coffee drinker or live on energy drinks, would you be interested in a way that you could eliminate those things from your diet and have MORE energy? Here are the seven commandments Yuri lives by to keep his energy up and his body healthy:

  1. Anything that slows down your digestion is going to compromise your energy.

  2. Eat less — it can improve your energy. (Try sticking to smaller portions!)

  3. Take five minutes of your day to unplug. Close your eyes and do some deep breathing. There’s a relationship between cognitive function and energy — anything that takes out focus or clutters our minds depletes our energy.

  4. Focus on plant-based foods, especially green vegetables.

  5. Eliminate adrenal fatigue by eating easy-to-digest foods, getting enough sleep, and exercising (but not overly so).

  6. Move more — and it doesn’t have to be a workout! If you’re sitting in a chair all day, you’re not going to have a lot of energy.

  7. How you heal anything is how you heal everything. How you alter your diet to prevent heart disease is similar to how you might alter your diet to prevent diabetes or to lose weight. The principles are ubiquitous.

Related: 7 Healthy Ways To Refuel Your Energy Reserves On The Go

Most diets are saying the same thing: Eat more plants and avoid foods that are causing issues. That’s because at the core, our bodies need nutrients that support life, and eating things that slow us down internally will slow us down externally. What do you want for yourself?

For my full conversation with Yuri, listen below:

For more on Yuri, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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