Girl Without Feet Finds Perfect Match In Dog Missing Paw


“That’s my puppy,” Sapphyre said when she saw a picture of Lt. Dan. “He’s just like me.”(Photo: Courtesy of Greenville Shriners Hospital)

There are few more heartwarming photos than toddlers or puppies, but when they find each other in one photo, we just need to share it with the world.

Sapphyre Johnson isn’t your everyday three year old. She is a patient at the Shriners Hospitals for Children in Greenville, South Carolina,who was born with only two fingers on each hand and one toe on each foot due to a congenital condition, according to Today.

(Photo: Courtesy of Greenville Shriners Hospital)

However Lt. Dan (you know, like the character in Forrest Gump who lost his legs) isn’t your average German shepherd. The puppy was born without his front right paw.

When introduced, “It was love at first sight for Sapphyre…It was amazing to see Sapphy and her puppy,“Ashley Johnson, Sapphyre’s mother, told Today.

“That’s my puppy,” Sapphyre said when she saw a picture of Lt. Dan. “He’s just like me.”“He’s just like me.”

The puppy loves Sapphyre, and Sapphy loves Lt. Dan — enough to take off her prosthetics in front of him and play. Ashley hopes her daughter will embrace her differences with the help of her new dog.


(Photo: Courtesy of Greenville Shriners Hospital)

“I always want Sapphy to know that everybody is different, and some of us are more obviously different,” Johnson said. “Like, people can see Sapphy’s differences. I think it’s good for her to realize that even animals, everyone is different. We’re supposed to be.”

Maybe we all could take a little advice from our pets, and we’d be in a happier, calmer, and more accepting world.

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