Jennifer Lawrence Defends Planned Parenthood
Jennifer Lawrence is a Planned Parenthood supporter. (Photo: Getty Images)
Actress Jennifer Lawrence took a major stand for Planned Parenthood in an interview for Glamour’s February issue, telling the magazine that she was distraught after the attack at a clinic in Colorado that left three people dead in November. “It’s so awful. … It isn’t an attack on abortions; it’s an attack on women. Because Planned Parenthood is so much more [than abortion],” Lawrence told Glamour. “What harm comes from supplying people with birth control, condoms, Pap smears, and cancer screenings?”
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Planned Parenthood is personal for Lawrence — she’s among the one in five women who have visited Planned Parenthood over the course of their lives. “My mom was really religious with me when I was young. She’s not so much anymore. And I wouldn’t have been able to get birth control if it weren’t for Planned [Parenthood]. I wouldn’t have been able to get condoms and birth control and all these things I needed as a normal teenager who was growing up in a Jesus house,” she says.
Lawrence credits Planned Parenthood, in part, for being who she is today — “I am a successful woman who has not had a pregnancy,” she joked to Glamour — just like the more than 5 million women and men who rely on the company’s services each year.
She later told the magazine that “it’s not smart, businesswise, to be opinionated. But then what’s the point in having a voice at all if I’m not going to use it for what I truly believe in?” Big ups, J. Law. Big ups.
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