Why You Shouldn’t Make a To-Do List Today... Or Any Day


Instead of making to-do lists, “Power of No’ author James Altucher says we should make a different kind of list instead. (Photo: Getty Images)

James Altucher is the author of The Power of No and has some amazing knowledge about how much we overwhelm and overextend ourselves — and what that does to the body and mind.

James gave me some insight as to how incorporating small things can change day-to-day life in a big way. And one thing we talked about in particular was a game-changer.

James says to try giving up to-do lists.

When you make a to-do list in the morning, you are immediately bogging yourself down with responsibilities. You are making a list of things that will clutter and possibly ruin the day before it has even started.

To-do lists can quickly get out of hand when you start to add in all the little things that you think you need to get done — things you think you should get done. And while it’s great if you get all of those things accomplished, what happens when you don’t?


It doesn’t really matter.

So instead of a to-do list at the beginning of the day, make an “I Did” list at the END of the day.

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If you make an I Did list you will be so impressed with how much you find you’ve accomplished in that day.

And impressing yourself is so much bigger and better than any to-do list you could have possibly imagined.

Even if you aren’t an enormously productive person, even if nothing you actually accomplished had anything to do with what you originally thought you would be doing, you will make yourself aware of the things you did do. And this is way better than focusing on things you didn’t do.

And that time you used to spend making a to-do list in the morning? Use it to focus on something you love. Focus your brainpower on something you want to think about.

What would your day look like if you started with something you love?

Listen to my full conversation with James below:

For more on James, click here.


ABOUT LEWIS HOWES: Lewis is a pro-athlete turned lifestyle entrepreneur who hosts the top-ranked podcast The School of Greatness. He interviews the best and brightest minds in health, entrepreneurship, relationships and lifestyle. Follow Lewis on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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