Ben Carson

  • Health
    Yahoo News

    Trump promised COVID-19 drug free for all Americans. His friends got it first.

    While supplies of an experimental drug cocktail given emergency use authorization to treat the coronavirus remain in short supply in the United States, three associates of President Trump apparently jumped to the front of the line to receive it.

  • Politics
    Yahoo News

    Carson took oleander extract, promoted by My Pillow CEO, to treat COVID infection

    Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson said he tried an unproven, unapproved herbal extract promoted by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell.

  • Politics
    Yahoo News

    HUD Secretary Ben Carson stumped during congressional hearing

    The HUD secretary faced a tough hearing before the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday.

  • Politics
    Yahoo News

    Who wrote the Times op-ed? 'Not me,' top White House officials say

    Senior Trump administration officials scramble to take themselves off the list of suspects.

  • News
    Yahoo News

    ‘Of course they are’: Ben Carson defends calling slaves ‘immigrants’

    Ben Carson attempted to quell the outrage that erupted online after he referred to African slaves as “immigrants” during a Monday speech on the U.S. as?the land of dreams and opportunity. During his debut speech as secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Carson discussed immigrants who entered the U.S. through Ellis Island to pursue a better life, and then he turned his attention to slaves forced to come to the country against their will. “There were other immigrants who came here in the b

  • News
    Yahoo News

    Elizabeth Warren defends Ben Carson vote against liberal backlash

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., found herself in an unusual position after voting to support retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson’s nomination to President Trump’s cabinet — defending herself?to aggrieved progressives.

  • News
    Yahoo News

    Ben Carson called new housing laws ‘social engineering.’ That worries fair housing advocates.

    Dr. Ben Carson speaks before a Trump campaign rally in Manchester, N.H., in August 2016. It is a view that worries longtime housing advocates who find themselves parsing the limited words Dr. Carson has spoken and written on the subject before the former neurosurgeon was named Monday Donald Trump’s choice for secretary of housing and urban development. “The fair housing community has been hoping for a HUD appointee that would do no harm,” said Erin Kemple, executive director of the Connecticut

  • News
    Yahoo News

    Ben Carson hints at joining Trump administration

    Donald Trump speaks to Ben Carson after receiving his endorsement at a campaign event in Palm Beach, Fla., in March. A day after President-elect Donald Trump announced that he is “seriously considering” Ben Carson to be his Housing and Urban Development secretary, the retired neurosurgeon briefly appeared to have?accepted the offer. The Wall Street Journal reported Wednesday afternoon that?Carson’s business manager and spokesman, Armstrong Williams, confirmed that Carson had agreed to accept?t

  • News
    Yahoo News

    Carson: Trump was ‘quite somber’ when he sensed victory

    Dr. Ben Carson says that when Donald Trump was starting to sense victory in Tuesday’s presidential election, the future president-elect was remarkably reserved. “He was quite somber,” Carson told Yahoo Global News Anchor Katie Couric on Wednesday, “I think really reflecting on the tremendous responsibility that was going to be on his shoulders. The retired neurosurgeon said the surprisingly tentative tone is a preview of what Trump’s White House will look like.

  • News
    Caitlin Dickson

    Ben Carson defends Trump: ‘That kind of banter goes around all the time’

    Ben Carson shocked a CNN anchor Tuesday when he brushed off Donald Trump’s lewd comments from 2005 about groping women, saying he was surprised that people aren’t used hearing such remarks and insisting “that kind of banter goes around all the time.”

  • News
    Hunter Walker

    Ben Carson says Donald Trump prayed for forgiveness before the debate

    Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump apparently said his prayers before Sunday evening’s presidential debate. Dr. Ben Carson, who has been serving as a top surrogate for Trump since ending his own presidential campaign, told Yahoo News that?Trump prayed with James Robison, a televangelist and founder of the Christian relief organization LIFE Outreach International. The debate came amid controversy over a 2005 video that leaked to the press on Friday and showed Trump making lewd comment

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    Yahoo News Contributors

    Trump visits black church in Detroit as pastors protest outside

    Donald Trump gives a thumbs-up during a church service in Detroit. DETROIT — Donald Trump was in Detroit on Saturday morning to make his first visit to a black church and his first ever campaign stop in an African-American community. Inside Great Faith Ministries, on the city’s west side, the reception for Trump was warm, if restrained.

  • News
    Dylan Stableford

    Dr. Ben Carson: ‘Elderly’ presidential candidates like Trump and Clinton should release medical history

    Ben Carson says “elderly” presidential candidates like Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should disclose their current medical records to voters before the election. “I think that somebody who is running for president of the United States, particularly if they’re elderly — and that would include both major candidates — should disclose their medical history,” Carson, a retired neurosurgeon and former Republican presidential hopeful, said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday. “I think that is co

  • News
    Christopher Wilson

    Ben Carson connects Clinton to Satan in convention address

    In a bizarre, meandering departure from his prepared remarks, Dr. Ben Carson suggested that electing Hillary Clinton would be the same as endorsing the devil himself. Speaking near the end of Day Two at the Republican National Convention, former rival of nominee Donald Trump, Carson brought up Saul Alinsky, the community organizer whose work Hillary Clinton wrote about while at college in Wellesley. “Her senior thesis was about Saul Alinsky,” said Carson.

  • News
    Michael Walsh

    Ben Carson on transgender identity: ‘A leopard can’t change its spots’

    Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Tuesday that transgender individuals may identify with the opposite gender, but he stressed that this does not change their biological sex. The neurosurgeon turned politician further said it was “silly” for people to complicate something that “we have known for thousands of years.” He made the comments during an interview with Yahoo News Global Anchor Katie Couric at the 2016 Republican National Convention. “We have known what a man is a

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