How 1:1 Aides Support Autistic Students
Medically reviewed by Diana Apetauerova, MD
In the United States, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act states that autistic children, and those with other developmental disorders, should be placed in the "least restrictive" setting possible. In school, the least restrictive setting is, of course, an ordinary classroom.
Many school districts worry that an autistic child won't flourish in a general education classroom, will have difficulty following the teacher's instructions, or can become a distraction. So they provide a 1:1 aide to support the child.
A 1:1 aide is often helpful; in other cases, however, the aide is actually a hindrance. As the parent, it may be up to you to determine whether your autistic child can benefit from an aide in the general education classroom or whether they might be better off in a specialized or private setting.
Why the General Education Classroom Is Challenging for Autistic Students
Often, very young autistic children can handle an ordinary classroom. Preschool groups are typically small, there are usually multiple adults available, and preschool teachers expect very young children to develop at different speeds and exhibit very different levels of emotional control.
An autistic 2-year-old having a "meltdown" isn't terribly different from a neurotypical 2-year-old having a "temper tantrum." If an autistic preschooler behaves inappropriately, even a physically small, untrained adult can carry that child into another room until he or she calms down.
Starting at a very young age (often by grade 1), students are challenged to sit still for long periods, and listen to and respond to a great deal of spoken instruction. They interact and collaborate with classmates, negotiate complex schedules, respond positively to loud bells and crowded hallways.
Most difficult of all, students learn through imitation how to be a "typical" kid in unstructured social settings such as lunch and recess.
School can be one of the most challenging settings for an autistic child who has different verbal skills and does not learn through imitation. Further, they can be easily upset by transitions, loud noises, and unstructured situations in which expectations aren't spelled out.
Which Students Are Likely to Receive 1:1 Support in a General Education Classroom
Based on the IDEA law, all disabled children should be included in typical classrooms. In practice, this isn't always possible, practical, or even desirable.
A child who can't learn to speak, read, or write as others do is unlikely to get much out of a classroom in which these are the only means of learning and communicating with other students.
Children with intense speech, learning, cognitive, or behavioral challenges are therefore often placed in specialized classrooms with small learning groups. They may benefit from specially trained teachers, and teaching tools adapted to their skills.
But what about the many autistic children who can read, write, and speak? Should they be in general classroom settings? Many autistic children with low to moderate support needs are placed in typical settings. Their families often prefer their inclusion, in keeping with IDEA law.
Even if an autistic child is bright and verbal, though, they are likely to experience difficulties with sensory challenges and executive functioning. The "hidden curriculum" of unwritten rules of behavior that most children learn through observation and imitation may prove challenging.
To support such a student in a typical setting, many schools provide a 1:1 aide with the sole focus of helping one child.
Depending upon the state you live in, 1:1 aides may or may not be required to have any college training or autism-specific training for their job (though all require some sort of basic training). In no case are aides expected to actually teach the students for whom they are responsible.
How 1:1 Aides Support Autistic Students
What, exactly, do 1:1 aides do to support autistic children? The answer varies for every situation, but here are some of the ways in which an aide might help an autistic child to be a part of a general education setting:
An aide may guide your child to stay focused on academics by helping them find the right book or page, follow instructions, raise their hand, etc.
An aide may help your child to manage their behavior by implementing a behavior plan created by a behavior specialist.
An aide may help your child negotiate their schedule by traveling with them to different classes and/or therapists.
An aide may support your child's social learning by encouraging group play or conversation in unstructured settings like playgrounds or lunchrooms.
An aide may help your child's therapists by collecting data about behaviors throughout the school day.
An aide may support you by providing really well-informed information about your child's daily experiences in the school setting.
The aide often becomes a parent's best source of info about what's really going on in school. They may be a great support system for your child. Be aware, though, that 1:1 aides vary in terms of their own capabilities and skill in supporting your child.
Why Might You Choose to Say "No" to a 1:1 Aide?
It's usually worth saying "yes" to a 1:1 aide for a trial period of a few months. Sometimes, however, the aide doesn't work out. No two school districts, classrooms, aides, or autistic students are the same—and even an aide who worked well with your child last year may have great difficulty meeting this year's needs.
Issues that may arise when your child works with a 1:1 aide include:
The aide may take the place of your child's teacher. If your child's teacher moves very quickly and does not provide differentiated instruction properly, the aide may have to support your child with instruction in lieu of the teacher. This is obviously not the purpose of inclusion.
The aide may have difficulty managing your child's behavior in the classroom setting. Some aides, teachers, and classmates are easily upset by autistic stimming or other behaviors.
Many aides see their role as helping the teacher rather than including your child. They might simply take your child out of the room to resolve different behaviors, which disrupts learning.
Not every aide is a good match for every child. You can ask for a substitute, but it may be tough to make the switch once the school year is under way.
Your child may need a different setting. General education classrooms are large, loud, and fast-moving. They stress collaboration, communication, and socialization. When that's the case, it may simply be the wrong environment for your child.
1:1 Aides and ABA Strategies
Most aides have at least some basic training in behavioral approaches to working with autistic children. They may offer rewards in keeping with Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) principles. Not everyone supports the ABA approach, which can be controversial. You may not want your child trained to rewards, and it can be difficult to change the 1:1 aide's approach, especially if the school district supports the ABA philosophy.
Related: What Is Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy for Autism?