This Is the #1 Best Yoga Pose for Weight Loss

Yoga class.

What type of workout comes to mind when it comes to weight loss? Running? Weight lifting? HIIT classes that leave you gasping for breath? While all of these types of exercise—and many more—can help with weight loss, many may not be aware that yoga can too. If you love yoga and have a health goal of losing weight, you don’t have to choose between the two: Your yoga practice can absolutely support your weight loss journey.

Not convinced? Keep reading to find out exactly how yoga can help with weight loss and the poses in particular that can help the most. 

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How Yoga Helps With Weight Loss

Lisa Bermudez, RYT-500, a yoga instructor and Ayurveda expert at YogaRenew Teacher Training, says that people are drawn to yoga for many different reasons. “Some try yoga for flexibility, for stress relief, or as a form of spiritual or sacred practice,” she says, adding that some people pursue yoga with the goal of losing weight in a healthy way. “Yoga can certainly help support people on their overall wellness journeys, which often include weight loss as one of the positive side effects of a regular yoga practice,” she explains. 

Robyn Gaillard, RYT-200,
a yoga teacher and healing arts practitioner, says that yoga helps with weight loss because it incorporates strength-building. “Incorporating strength building into a weekly workout routine is valuable for overall health and fitness, especially if weight loss is a goal. A yoga practice can support strength building because the poses engage muscles, lengthen muscles and strengthen muscles,” she says.

“Strength training increases muscle mass. More muscle can lead to an increased metabolic rate, which means your body burns more calories even at rest,” Bermudez explains. “As you challenge and contract your muscles during yoga, you are essentially building strength. Incorporating yoga into your routine can support weight loss by enhancing muscle tone and improving metabolism. It takes a lot of strength to move through a full-length yoga class!”

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To get the maximum weight loss benefits out of yoga, Gaillard recommends going to classes that move at a quick pace and consider going to a heated class. This will lead to burning more calories than a slower, restorative yoga class that isn’t done in a heated room.

The Best Yoga Pose for Weight Loss

There are several yoga poses in particular that are especially good for weight loss. Gaillard says the number one yoga pose for weight loss is plank pose. “Plank pose uses the principles of standing postural alignment while incorporating core engagement, arm strength and leg strength," she explains. "Holding this posture gives the entire body a workout."

To do it, start in a tabletop position, with your hands and knees on the floor. Your hands should be directly under your shoulders. Next, tuck your toes and draw your ab muscles toward your back as you take your knees off the floor and straighten your legs. While in plank pose, be sure not to stick your butt too far in the air.

Hold the pose as long as you can while slowly breathing in and out. You can make plank pose slightly easier while still getting the benefits of it by keeping your knees on the ground. 

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Five More Helpful Yoga Poses for Weight Loss

Here are five more yoga poses Gaillard and Bermudez say are good for weight loss:

1. Warrior 2

Warrior 2 pose is a standing posture that invites attention to leg muscles and grounding as well as it lengthens the spine and upper body. Holding this posture invites toning and strength in the legs and core, Gaillard says. To do it, turn your body to one side and take a wide stance. Form a “T” shape with your arms. Turn your right foot and knee to face the front of your mat. Bend your right knee over your right ankle. Hold for three to five breaths.

2. Warrior 3

Bermudez says that Warrior 3 enhances lower body strength, especially the quads and hamstrings. It also helps build abdominal strength. “To practice Warrior 3, bring all of your body weight into one leg while the other leg extends back behind you. Tilt forward so your back foot is in line with your head,” she instructs. Hold for three to five breaths.

3. Chaturanga Dandasana

“A full-body strengthener, this pose particularly targets your arms, wrists and core,” Bermudez says. To do it, start in a plank and lower halfway down to the ground. “It takes a lot of practice and strength to really figure this one out and there’s almost always something new to become aware of each time you come into the pose,” Bermudez adds. Hold for three to five breaths.

4. Chair pose

According to Bermudez, chair pose strengthens the abs, glutes and quads. To do it, bring your feet and knees together and sit back like you’re sitting in a chair while reaching your arms up. Hold for between five and 10 breaths.

5. Boat pose

Bermudez says that boat pose activates the entire core—it’s a tricky one! “To practice this pose, sit down with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Bring your hands behind your thighs and lift your feet up in line with your knees. Stay as you are, or extend your arms towards your feet,” she says.

Final Thoughts on Yoga and Weight Loss

Both experts emphasize that if your goal is to lose weight in a healthy way, it’s also important to eat nutrient-rich foods and get enough sleep. But yoga can certainly help with your weight loss journey. “While yoga can certainly support weight loss, it's essential to see it as a holistic practice,” Bermudez says. “Weight loss isn't just about burning calories. It's about building a healthy relationship with your body and mind. Yoga may help you by making you more aware of your eating habits, help reduce stress, and also help you rest easier and sleep better.”

Weight loss isn’t about quick fixes. It’s about finding what works long-term—and for many people, yoga is a form of movement they can enjoy for many years to come.

Next up, try these five yoga poses for better sleep.
