
10 Anti-inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Grocery List and Which Ones to Scratch Off

10 Anti-inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Grocery List and Which Ones to Scratch Off

10 Anti-inflammatory Foods to Add to Your Grocery List and Which Ones to Scratch Off

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Practicing hard workouts will help you improve endurance and build stronger muscles for better performance overall, but also exercise induced inflammation can lead to unwanted soreness. Though, your body creates its own inflammation fighters when you exercise, you can help it fight with a healthy anti-inflammatory diet—because to train in pain sends exercise down the drain.

As a cyclist eating nutritious foods that contain anti-inflammatory properties can aid your recovery while also protecting you from chronic disease. “While inflammation is a necessary process to fight infection and heal from injury, chronic inflammation can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer,” says Kristen Arnold, MS, RD, CSSD, sports dietitian and cycling coach. “By incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into the diet, cyclists can support overall systemic function and prevention of inflammatory-related issues,” she says.

This is why it's a good idea to incorporate some anti-inflammatory foods into your daily food plan. Likewise, there are foods you should eat in moderation because they can create more inflammation in your body.

10 Anti-Inflammatory to Add to your Grocery List

Below is exactly what to increase and decrease on your plate. As you review the list, keep in mind, these foods are not to be eaten in addition to less-healthy fare, but in the place of it. (Looking for more tips on how to make the most out of your riding? Selene's book is full of tips and advice to get fitter, faster, and have more fun in the saddle.)

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These inflammation-fighters will not only help you recover better, but will also fend off other health ailments.
