11 Times Professors Needed To Be Fired, And 8 Times They Deserved To Be Tenured
These 11 professors suck...
1. This professor who felt the need to correct their student instead of sending their condolences:
2. This professor who apparently doesn't care if their students have to break their necks to read the PowerPoint:
3. This professor whose "test email" is cruel and unusual punishment:
4. This professor whose lack of organizational skills is confusing the hell out of their students:
5. This professor who wouldn't know compassion if it hit them in the head:
6. This professor who has likely caused a lot of concussions:
My professor's door from funny
7. This professor who banks everything on one exam:
8. This professor who hopefully doesn't teach English:
This was an email sent by a professor, who does not seem to know the difference between there and their. from mildlyinfuriating
9. This professor who wasted their students' time (and low-key contributed to the demise of this person's laptop):
Bought a new Laptop last week. Yesterday my train was delayed by an hour and a half so I had to walk 7 miles in pouring rain to get to school only to be told my professor didn’t come in and that I could go home. Today I open my laptop to this even though it was in my bag without any liquids from Wellthatsucks
10. This professor whose anti-vax beliefs bit 'em in the ass:
11. And this professor who's a straight-up perv:
These eight professors rule...
12. This professor who welcomed a student into their family:
I came out to my very religious family a few years back and haven’t been allowed home since. I just got this from one of my professors and had to share it with you guys. I’m 100% going! from HumansBeingBros
13. This professor who couldn't contain their love for their students:
“My face physically hurts from smiling so much today, I love teaching you guys” -my professor, who’s such a good soul from MadeMeSmile
14. This professor who showed an appreciation for their student's gaming passion:
15. This professor who gave their students the freedom to be weird:
My professor said our term paper could be on any topic we chose as long as he approved it. It was an easy decision. from EmpireDidNothingWrong
16. This professor who gave their students the textbooks for free:
17. This professor who encouraged a student to prioritize their health:
i missed a class last friday and this was my professor’s response. if anyone needs me i’ll be crying. from teenagers