Once you can see everything you have, it’s time to purge. First of all, decide what you use on a daily basis and put it to one side, explains Jane Lee, professional organizer, and declutterer at Jane Lee Interiors. Then, start to examine the rest of your supplies.
"Are there towels that always live at the bottom of the pile? Make-up that’s out of date or never used? Numerous hair brushes when you use the same one or two?" Make piles for items that should be thrown out, donated, or recycled.
"Be brutal and realistic," says Craig Hoareau, Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers (APDO) member and managing director of A Tidy Mind London. "You will not be using those hotel sample bottles you collected on your travels and they certainly do not belong in your limited bathroom storage space."
Also, take a look at partially used supplies and ask yourself whether you’re ever really going to use them. "It’s hard to stomach just throwing them out," says Craig, "but at the same time, don’t treat your home like a landfill". Either you finish using them, give them away to friends, post them on a free sharing app or websites such as Facebook Marketplace or Olio or they go in the bin, he says.