12 Mnemonic Devices That Make Spelling Tricky Words So, So Easy

Recently, I asked the BuzzFeed Community for little brain tricks to remember hard-to-spell words. Here are 12 of the best that I've already committed to memory.

1."Restaurant, I think of this nonsensical phrase: 'rest and your aunt.' Rest-a(nd)-ur-aunt"


Participants Faizan (left) and Kirsten (right) at a spelling bee, with Kirsten raising her arms in celebration. Both wear numbered name tags indicating their names

2."Affect vs. Effect: (a)ffect --> (a)ction, (e)ffect --> (e)nd result."

"Affect: The extra study session affected my performance on the exam.

Effect: The effect of the extra study session was a higher grade."


3."I learned how to distinguish between 'desert' and 'dessert' in the third grade."

"My favorite teacher gave us a trick:

Dessert (a sweet treat after dinner) has 2 "S"- just like strawberry shortcake

And desert has 1 's'- for 'so thirsty.' Does that make sense? IDK, but it is a trick I use to this day!"


4."'Than' is used to compare things (I have more than you), while 'then' is used to indicate when something occurs (I went to the library, then to the park). So if I ever can't remember which is which, I just reminded myself that 'then' is 'when' with a 't.'"


A man in a tank top is ironing clothes and speaking. Text on image: "What do you want from me? I'm not a great speller!"

5."I've been spelling Connecticut mentally as 'connect-i-cut' since I did a report about the state in 5th grade. I've never misspelled it."


6."Double the C, double the S, and you will always have success."


Top image: Man with blonde hair in a plaid shirt speaking. Text reads "WHAT IS THAT?".Bottom image: Same man in the same outfit. Text reads "OLDE ENGLISH?"

7."I still have to say wed-ness-day in my head."


8."Necessary - a shirt has one collar and two sleeves because that's all that's necessary."


A boy on stage dabs after spelling the word "condignly" during a spelling bee

9."My mom told me growing up, assume makes an "ass out of u and me."


10."Occasionally. I used to always put two S's until I realized occasion doesn't have an 'ass' in it."


Two expressions of a woman speaking at an event: first with a neutral expression, then with an open mouth, showing surprise. Names unknown

11."Another one for Mississippi I learned from P Valley, which I think is popular in the South: M, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, crooked letter, crooked letter, I, humpback, humpback, I."


12."Through: rough with a th in front. I know, it seems silly."


Finally, "Ridiculous: I sing the song from descendants lol."

Do you have a mnemonic device you use all of the time? Tell us in the comments below!