15 Biggest Vaccine Companies in the World

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In this article, we are going to list the 15 largest vaccine companies in the world. Click to skip ahead and jump to the 5 largest vaccine companies in the world. Vaccination is the most simple and effective way of prevention of many diseases. It provides immunity to infectious diseases and it is the most cost-effective method to protect the world population. The first-ever vaccine was introduced for smallpox to treat the deadly cowpox virus in 1796. This virus killed many people and developing a vaccine for it saved many lives. But the concept of vaccines existed even before 1796. Pharmaceutical companies around the globe have worked to develop vaccines for diseases such as Malaria, HIV, cholera, influenza and tuberculosis.

Vaccination has made a tremendous commitment to worldwide wellbeing. Two significant diseases, smallpox, and rinderpest have been eradicated. Worldwide inclusion of vaccination against numerous significant infectious viruses of adolescence has improved drastically since the production of WHO's Expanded Program of Immunization in 1974 and of the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization in 2000. Polio has nearly disappeared and achievement in controlling measles marks another significant benefit received from it. Regardless of these victories, around 6.6 million kids actually bite the dust every year and about a half of these deaths are brought about by diseases, including pneumonia and Rotavirus that causes severe diarrhea, which could be forestalled by vaccination.

15 biggest vaccine companies in the world

Green Apple/Shutterstock.com

The revenue from the global vaccine market was around $33 billion in 2019 and analysts expect growth of around 5-7% in the coming years in the revenues. The major companies enjoying 90% of these revenues are Glaxo Smith Kline, Pfizer, Sanofi, and Merck & Co. Vaccines companies are present in 50 countries around the world, but a large part of vaccine companies are fundamentally U.S. - or European-based having the predominant portion on a revenue basis. But other companies are progressively developing their piece of the pie of this high growth market. And India, while not having the biggest vaccine companies in the world, is still responsible for the production of 60% of the global vaccines.

There are very few vaccine-making companies that fulfill worldwide guidelines of quality set up by WHO. The limited number of these companies and limitation in production capacity creates a disbalance in the market as there are more demand and limited supply. Over the most recent 10 years, the vaccine business in the United States and Europe has extensively improved its supply. Constant deficiencies are a relic of past times; this change has principally been accomplished by the modernization of the vaccine production process. The distribution methods have also been improved and the unavailability of vaccines issue has improved. This is due to the high profitability and reinvestment by these companies to solve these issues.