150 'How Well Do You Know Me?' Questions To Ask Your Family and Friends

It's Friday night, you're at home with your best friends, you've made everyone's favorite snacks and you have just settled in for a good time. Rather than spend the entire night watching TV, you've decided to change things up a bit. While everyone already knows each other, what better way to get to know them even better than to ask a few rounds of "How well do you know me?" questions?

The rules (if you can even call them that!) are simple: one person asks a question to the rest of the group, and they answer with what they believe to be true. While you think you may be in the presence of people who know you the best, their answers may surprise you!

This game can also be a way to reminisce, as you'll discover things they remember about you that you may have forgotten. If you need any help coming up with questions to ask, you've come to the right place. Grab your friends or family and keep reading! Here are 150 fun questions that will answer "How well do you know me?"

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General "How Well Do You Know Me" Questions

1. What color are my eyes? (Obviously, it's better to close your eyes when you ask this one.) 

2. What is my least favorite season of the year? 

3. What's my favorite season? 

4. What is my favorite thing in my house? 

5. Where do I like to shop the most? 

6. Who is the most shy person I know? 

7. What's my favorite book? (Or author, if you can't narrow it down!) 

8. What type of music do I like best? 

9. What type of music would you never catch me listening to? 

10. Which chore do I hate doing the most?

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11. What's my favorite color? 

12. What is my favorite day of the week? 

13. How do I like to spend my free time? 

14. Android or iPhone? 

15. What is my favorite style? 

16. Where is my favorite place to read? 

17. What is my favorite smell? 

18. Do I have a bedtime? (Bonus points if they know what it is!) 

19. What's my favorite thing to do at the park? 

20. What show do I like to watch the most? 

21. Who would I be if I could be any character in a book, TV show or movie? 

22. What are my hobbies? 

23. Am I right or left-handed? 

24. Do I snore? 

25. Who was my favorite teacher?

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<p>Archie Binamira/Canva</p>

Archie Binamira/Canva

"How Well Do You Know Me" Childhood Questions

26. What is my first memory?

27. Did I have braces growing up?

28. Who was my childhood best friend?

29. Did I believe in imaginary friends? 

30. What was my favorite stuffed animal as a child?

31. What was my deepest childhood fear?

32. What sports did I play as a child?

33. What is my worst childhood memory?

34. Was I a "play-in-the-mud" kid or a "build-a-fort" kid?

35. What was my favorite subject in school?

36. What was I better at, tag or hide-and-seek?

37. What was my favorite snack as a child?

38. What did I think I could get away with as a child?

39. Was I good at school when I was younger?

40. Who was my childhood pet?

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<p>Photo by aldomurillo from Getty Images Signature/Canva</p>

Photo by aldomurillo from Getty Images Signature/Canva

"How Well Do You Know Me" Questions About Family

41. Who in my family am I most like?

42. How many pets do I want?

43. Who do I look most like in my family?

44. What is my favorite thing about my family?

45. What was I like as a child?

46. Am I close with my family?

47. Do I want a large family for my future?

48. Who is my favorite cousin?

49. Do I like spending time with my family?

50. What's my middle name?

51. What do I consider the true meaning of family?

52. What was my least favorite thing to do with family growing up?

53. What was my favorite thing to do with family growing up?

54. What is my nickname?

55. Do I look more like my mom or dad?

56. Was I the favorite grandchild?

57. Do I want children or pets?

58. Was I raised in a strict household?

59. What chores did I have to do growing up?

60. When was the last time I went to a family reunion?

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"How Well Do You Know Me" Food Questions

61. Do I have a favorite flavor of ice cream?

62. How do I feel about waffles?

63. What is my favorite food to eat in the whole world?

64. Do I have a favorite vegetable? (Bonus points if they know which one it is!)

65. What's my favorite type of pizza?

66. If I could only eat one type of cookie for the rest of my life, what would it be?

67. Do I prefer savory foods or sweets?

68. What's my favorite type of cheese?

69. Am I a wine or beer person?

70. Do I prefer to cook or eat out?

71. What restaurant is my favorite?

72. What's my favorite candy?

73. What dish am I best at making?

74. Do I prefer to bake or cook?

75. Can I work a grill?

76. Do you see me field-dressing anything?

77. Do I like to grocery shop?

78. What meal could I eat every single day?

79. Do I have any food allergies?

80. Where is my favorite place to eat? (Not a restaurant. In bed? On the couch? etc.)

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<p>Photo by WaffOzzy from Getty Images/Canva</p>

Photo by WaffOzzy from Getty Images/Canva

"How Well Do You Know Me" Travel Questions

81. If I had to choose a place to live, where would it be?

82. Where do I feel most relaxed?

83. Where did I travel to after I graduated high school?

84. Have I ever been on a cruise? (Bonus points if they can give a story of what happened while you were there!)

85. What is the farthest I've ever driven?

86. Have I been out of the country?

87. Do I like to hike?

88. Do I travel on a budget, or go all out and book the fanciest room?

89. Where have I always wanted to go, but have never been?

90. When I travel, how many suitcases do I pack?

91. Do I save up for vacations, or put them on a credit card and pay them off?

92. Do I pack all of the essentials, or buy them when I get to my destination?

93. What is my favorite vacation that I've been on?

94. Do I currently have plans to travel anywhere?

95. Where do I never want to travel?

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"How Well Do You Know Me" Relationship and Love Questions

96. Who was my first crush?

97. Do I prefer to be single or in a relationship?

98. Who was my longest relationship with?

99. Who was my most meaningful relationship with?

100. Where was my first kiss?

101. Who was my first kiss?

102. Who says "I love you" first—me or them?

103. What is my love language?

104. Am I affectionate or more passive?

105. What type of person do you see me marrying?

106. Who was my shortest relationship?

107. Did I date anyone in grade school?

108. How do I feel about love?

109. What's the longest I've been single?

110. Do I make the first move?

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<p>Photo by shironosov from Getty Images Pro/Canva</p>

Photo by shironosov from Getty Images Pro/Canva

"How Well Do You Know Me" Work Questions

111. What do I want to be when I grow up?

112. Who is my work best friend?

113. What is my work ethic? (This one can be eye-opening, tread lightly.)

114. What is my normal work schedule?

115. Do I take overtime when it's offered?

116. What is the address to my office?

117. Do you know the name of the company I work for?

118. What is my job title?

119. What duties do I perform at work?

120. What would my dream job be?

121. Am I working in the field that I most want to be in?

122. Am I an hourly or salaried employee?

123. What do I make per hour?

124. Do I work full-time or part-time?

125. Does my job offer benefits, and are they good?

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<p>Photo by Mohd Hafiez Mohd Razali / EyeEm from Getty Images/Canva</p>

Photo by Mohd Hafiez Mohd Razali / EyeEm from Getty Images/Canva

Random "How Well Do You Know Me" Questions

126. Am I for or against frilly toothpicks?

127. What's the first thing I do in the morning?

128. What's the last thing I do at night?

129. What size clothing do I wear?

130. What do I do that makes you laugh?

131. What makes me laugh?

132. What would you find in my purse? (Or wallet, backpack, etc.)

133. If I could choose a superpower, which one would I have?

134. What is my least favorite noise?

135. Which Hogwarts house am I sorted into?

136. What time period would I choose to live in?

137. What is the most random thing  I've ever done?

138. Where did we meet, and how?

139. Do I consider myself more of a Monica, Rachel or Phoebe?

140. Am I more like Ross, Chandler or Joey?

141. What car did I learn to drive in?

142. What is the weirdest thing that I'm into?

143. Would I rather skydive or go spelunking?

144. If I could choose to have wings, would they be like bat wings or bird wings?

145. Do I prefer headphones or earbuds?

146. Who is my favorite anime character?

147. Do I prefer to give gifts or receive them?

148. What is my favorite sleeping position?

149. Am I good at math?

150. Have I ever pooped my pants?

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