16 Of The Most Disturbing Facts You’ll Ever Read That’ll Leave You Thinking, “Alright, That’s Enough Internet For Today”

Recently, Reddit user u/Bancoarotelle asked, "What is the most disturbing thing to know?" and boy am I disturbed.

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1."During World War 2, Japan bombed China with fleas infected with the bubonic plague."

A Japanese plane dropping bombs onto China

2."There are about six US nuclear weapons that are currently unaccounted for."

Anti-aircraft missile system while the sun sets

3."That there are anywhere between 25–50 active serial killers in the United States, according to the FBI."

A person lurking on a dark road

4."Polar bears are the only bear species that actively hunt and kill humans for food. There’s a rhyme that everyone living where bears live needs to know, and why the rhyme is so important: If it’s brown, lie down. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s white, say goodnight."

A grizzly bear, a black bear, a polar bear

5."By the time you show the symptoms of rabies, it's already too late. It can also be dormant for a year before you show those symptoms."

A dog standing in the rain

6."If an elephant's mate dies, then they can die from broken heart syndrome."

An elephant lying down in the grass surrounded by birds

7."Cruise liners all have a morgue for all the passengers that inevitably die each trip."

A cruise ship on the water

8."HVAC technician here. NEVER TRUST RESTAURANT ICE. Ice machines need to be fully dismantled for cleaning every couple of months or so in order to remain sanitary."

A cup of ice on a table

9."The CPR dummy face template is based on a dead 16-year-old girl’s face. Her body was pulled from the River Seine in the 1880s, and her cause of death and identity were never discovered. A mortician was so ‘entranced’ by her peaceful expression that he made a plaster mask of her, which became the face of CPR dummies and health training equipment."

A CPR dummy lying on the ground, the 16 year old girl known as L'Inconnue de la Seine

10."That slavery is still one of the biggest profiting trades in the world."

—u/trevlamboAccording to the UN, there are 40.3 million slaves worldwide. You can even find out how many slaves are contributing to your lifestyle, including the clothes you wear, the electronics you use, and the food you eat based on research conducted by Slavery Footprint.

11."If you try to grab the brain in its natural state, it will fall apart. When you see scientists pick up the brain, they have used chemicals to harden it."

A human brain

12."There is value to the human body as a commodity. And different parts of our body are worth different amounts — while corneas are small, they fetch a large price (£15,000, or about $22,450), whereas our skeleton garners significantly less (£5,000, about $7,483)."

A 3D render of the human body

13."Early childhood malnutrition (between ages 0–5) causes irreversible loss of IQ (11–20 points) and predisposes people to higher levels of violence. The prefrontal cortex doesn't develop the same. And if you miss that window, there's no intervention that can recover the gap."

Genie, a "feral child" who was abused in the 1960s and was studied

14."One-third of all people who break their hip die within the year... So please tape pillows to your elderly relatives."

An older woman who's fallen on the floor

15."The liver can be ruptured in one punch. The liver is the second most fragile organ in the human body."

A liver being used for a transplant

16.And finally, "A tumor can have teeth and eyes."


They're called teratomas, and they occur most often in ovaries and testicles. They're VERY rare, though, and they can be benign, so no need to worry too much about it. But it's quite gnarly to look at, so just spare your eyes and use your imagination.

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and clarity.

Which of these disturbed you the most? Let us know in the comments below.

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