16 Obstacles People With Disabilities Will Continue To Face If Nondisabled People Continue To Be Ignorant

1. Receiving "help" when they didn't ask for it.

2. Being called "strong" or "resilient" when they don't want to be either.

3. Having their day ruined by a nondisabled person parking in a handicapped spot.

4. Or often having no idea how their day will even pan out.

5. Never seeing any representation in retail.

6. Facing ignorance when it comes to their service animals.

7.Being discriminated against by "take the stairs" culture.

A guy in a wheelchair sitting in front of an elevator with doors that say "today is the day we take the stairs"

8. Same goes for the recycling movement.

9. And when public places try to be inclusive, sometimes their attempts don't suffice.

10. Not being able to do something as simple as sitting with friends at a park bench.

11. Getting heat for invisible disabilities.

12. Having people look down on them for relying on a mobility aid.

13. Being subjected to criticism from people who don't believe they have a disability.

14. And doctors who blow symptoms off as "anxiety."

15. Not being able to access something as simple as a restaurant menu.

16. And finally, waiting for a handicap stall, only to see a nondisabled person walk out.

H/T: r/disability