17 Photos That Show How Impossible It Is To Pay Off Student Loans In The US

1. Paying off your student loans can feel pretty hopeless at times:

2. But remember, consistency is key!!!

A year's worth of student loan payments with the balance staying at $86,368.44
u/ProfWiggles / Via reddit.com

3. If it all gets to be too much, you can always take out a loan and pay off your debt with more debt!

4. That way, the people who work for your lender can go on nice vacations like these:

Credit: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/sallie-mae-execs-tan-maui-retreat-while-student-debt-crisis-n1063826

5. You can also try to lower your interest rate, because that totally works:

The interest rate remaining the exact same before and after getting a co-signer for the loan
u/BevoDDS / Via reddit.com

6. If you REALLY wanna get serious about avoiding student debt, just join the military and put your body/life on the line (NBD):

7. Try not to get discouraged that pretty much ALL of your monthly payments go toward the interest:

8. On the off-chance that you do manage to pay off your student loans, DON'T expect any special treatment for paying them off early:

9. But DO expect loan companies to badger you to share your "story" about how you paid them off in order to make them look good:

10. Please, can someone make it makes sense?

11. Of course, you can always continue your education (and take out more debt) so you can get a better job to pay off your debt...that totally always works!

12. Hey, if you're one of the 0.0000001% who qualify, your debt could get erased (!!!) — but you probably aren't:

Credit: Reuters / Alamy

13. And remember, even though payments and interest are paused right now thanks to a global health crisis...that won't last forever:

14. Plus, the debt doesn't just affect you; it also affects your family:

Credit: Tommaso Altamura / Alamy

15. Yep, might as well get over it and "learn to love" your student debt:

16. Because in the end, you'll be paying it off forever ??: