175 Performance Review Phrases To Use When Talking About Strengths and Weaknesses

Leader giving a performance review

It’s the start of a new year, which, for some companies, means rolling out new performance reviews. Since employee performance is central to operations and the overall health of a business, having these check-ins with staff is vital to ensuring a company ends Q1 successfully. These assessments offer employees and management valuable insights into their strengths, areas for improvement and general performance, all things that help create better self-awareness for positive professional development. But let’s face it…there’s nothing more awkward than sitting down with management to talk about your progress, even if you have a stellar relationship with fellow staff and leadership—and vice versa.

Here’s a list of 175 examples of performance review phrases to incorporate into your interactions with staff or to approach your manager if you’re going through the process yourself.

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Tips for Giving a Performance Review

How can you create a performance review process (PRP) that allows constructive feedback without overwhelming or offending someone? Start with selecting personalized verbiage that:

  • Highlights achievements that are repeatable or can be used to model future projects

  • Uses clear and specific language that helps employees comprehend these achievements and areas that require more attention

  • Develops goals targeted improvement efforts, not general concerns

  • Boosts an employee’s morale rather than tearing down their professional confidence

With these tips in mind, you’re well on your way to creating an office culture revolving around continuous improvement rather than only employing reactive strategies when things go wrong.

Related: 17 Phrases To Respond to Constructive Criticism, According to Psychologists

Best Performance Review Phrases

  1. Demonstrates an exceptional ability to analyze complex issues, identify creative solutions, and implement effective problem-solving strategies, contributing significantly to the team's success.

  2. Creatively brainstorms new solutions to specific tasks.

  3. Exceeds expectations by consistently achieving goals.

  4. Demonstrates a strong commitment to achieving success in tasks and projects.

  5. Consistently excels as a team collaborator by fostering a positive and inclusive work environment, actively contributing ideas, and effectively collaborating with colleagues to achieve collective goals and project success.

  6. Approaches challenge with a strategic mindset and find effective solutions.

  7. Demonstrates a strong analytical ability in addressing complex issues.

  8. Actively seeks opportunities for learning and skill enhancement.

  9. Shows a commitment to continuous improvement in professional knowledge.

  10. Sets challenging and realistic goals for personal and professional development.

  11. Demonstrates commitment to achieving set objectives.

  12. Ensures the workplace is a safe, enjoyable environment using positive leadership skills.

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Performance Review Examples About Time Management


  1. Efficiently prioritizes tasks to meet deadlines consistently.

  2. Manages time effectively, ensuring optimal productivity.

  3. Prioritizes tasks effectively, focusing on high-priority items first.

  4. Exhibits exceptional time-management skills, ensuring tasks are completed on schedule.

  5. Manages time efficiently, resulting in consistently high levels of productivity.

  6. Demonstrates a keen understanding of project timelines and milestones.

  7. Regularly completes tasks ahead of schedule, exceeding expectations set in previous performance review plans.

  8. Successfully juggles various responsibilities, maintaining a high standard of work.

  9. Successfully balances long-term projects with short-term responsibilities.

  10. Demonstrates an understanding of the importance of time as a valuable resource.

  11. Proactively identifies potential bottlenecks and addresses them promptly.

  12. Uses technology and tools to streamline time management processes.

  13. Maintains a balance between speed and precision in task execution.

  14. Regularly seeks feedback on time management practices to enhance efficiency.

  15. Efficiently plans and organizes work weeks, optimizing productivity.

  16. Utilizes breaks and downtime effectively to recharge and maintain focus.

  17. Uses downtime to contribute to developing new strategies for improved time management.


  1. Struggles to find alternative solutions when faced with roadblocks.

  2. Regularly overlooks urgent tasks, impacting the team's ability to meet tight deadlines.

  3. Allows minor tasks to disrupt workflow, hindering progress on more significant assignments.

  4. Struggles to estimate time accurately, leading to inaccurate planning and project delays.

  5. Fails to provide timely updates on task progress, hindering collaboration and team awareness.

  6. Demonstrates inefficiency with repetitive tasks, neglecting more strategic responsibilities.

  7. Often sets unrealistic personal deadlines that may not align with current work capacity, contributing to unmet expectations and delays.

  8. Resistant to time management training, hindering skill acquisition.

  9. Frequently interrupts work for minor distractions, affecting focus and task completion.

  10. Needs to improve in managing email communication, leading to delays in response times.

  11. Underestimates the impact of interruptions, disrupting workflow and task progress.

  12. Refrains from planning for unforeseen circumstances, leading to a lack of preparedness.

  13. Tends to react passively rather than proactively addressing time-related challenges.

  14. Struggles with time allocation in collaborative projects, causing delays in milestones.

Related: 5 Phrases to Counter (Unjustified) Criticism, According to a Therapist

Performance Review Phrases About Attitude


  1. Listens actively and responds constructively to feedback.

  2. Shows a proactive approach to identifying and addressing challenges.

  3. Takes the lead in initiating positive changes within the team or organization.

  4. Effectively addresses and resolves conflicts within the team.

  5. Promotes a harmonious work environment.

  6. Maintains composure and focus even when faced with unexpected challenges.

  7. Consistently brings a positive and enthusiastic attitude to the workplace, uplifting team morale.

  8. Eager to learn and readily embraces new tasks or responsibilities.

  9. Handles changes in the work environment with a positive and adaptable attitude.

  10. Keeps an open mind when receiving feedback, using it as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

  11. Exhibits resilience in the face of adversity, maintaining composure and focus.

  12. Consistently approaches tasks with a motivated and positive attitude, contributing to a proactive team atmosphere.

  13. Maintains a professional and respectful demeanor in interactions with colleagues and superiors.

  14. Actively encourages and supports peers when working on projects with coworkers.

  15. Takes accountability for mistakes and actively seeks improvement solutions.

  16. Maintains a consistently high level of motivation, inspiring others in the workplace.


  1. Lacks initiative and ownership in tasks, creating a perception of apathy towards responsibilities.

  2. Openly expresses disapproval of company values, impacting alignment with organizational goals.

  3. Consistently challenges authority figures.

  4. Displays a persistently negative attitude toward leadership without provocation, hindering positive relationships in the workplace.

  5. Resists taking responsibility for mistakes and often places blame on others.

  6. Engages in conversations inappropriate for the workplace that contributes to a negative work environment.

  7. Regularly disrupts team harmony with a negative attitude, affecting overall productivity.

  8. Displays a reluctance to collaborate with team members, interrupting the effectiveness of project management timelines.

  9. Undermines team goals by consistently providing negative commentary without offering solutions.

  10. Regularly criticizes peers without offering constructive feedback.

  11. Frequently complains about issues without actively seeking or providing constructive solutions.

  12. Regularly displays a defiant demeanor, disrupting productivity and inciting conflict among staff.

  13. Shows a tendency to disengage during staff meetings.

  14. Distracts other staff members during the work day with unnecessary and jocular commentary.

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Examples of Performance Review Phrases About Dependability


  1. Proactively takes on additional responsibilities without being prompted.

  2. Shows a willingness to go above and beyond in contributing to the team's success.

  3. Produces consistently high-quality work.

  4. Pays meticulous attention to detail in all tasks.

  5. Can be relied upon to meet commitments and deadlines consistently.

  6. Demonstrates a high level of reliability and trustworthiness.

  7. Consistently follows organizational policies and procedures.

  8. Demonstrates a commitment to compliance and ethical conduct.

  9. Offers assistance to coworkers in a responsible and discerning manner.

  10. Demonstrates consistent trustworthiness in the workplace.

  11. Consistently shows investment in their job duties and responsibilities.


  1. Tends to be sporadic when meeting deadlines.

  2. Does not demonstrate a willingness to assist coworkers with a group or team-focused projects.

  3. Despite verbalizing a commitment to do so, does not follow through with feedback or suggestions to improve performance.

  4. Avoids tasks that have multiple steps or complicated steps.

  5. Has a history of delaying initiative to complete tasks, often waiting for other employees to volunteer first.

  6. Starts tasks but demonstrates a consistent lack of follow-through to completion.

  7. Regularly requires close supervision to ensure tasks are completed on time, distracting their supervisor during the workday.

  8. Often forgets essential details, contributing to oversights and errors in completed tasks.

  9. Frequently misses work without providing a doctor’s excuse or any other documentation.

  10. Takes advantage of the company’s flexible time policy, undermining standard attendance policies.

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Performance Review Phrases About Flexibility


  1. Easily adjusts to changes and remains productive during transitions.

  2. Demonstrates flexibility in handling new challenges.

  3. Successfully navigates through ambiguity, finding practical solutions in uncertain situations.

  4. Excels at juggling multiple tasks simultaneously without compromising quality.

  5. Adapts quickly to changes in reporting structures and team dynamics.

  6. Readily embraces feedback and constructive criticism as opportunities for growth.

  7. Demonstrates the ability to adjust to different project scopes and timelines.

  8. Adapts seamlessly to changes in project scope and direction.

  9. Shows a strong ability to adjust and thrive in different team structures.

  10. Demonstrates comfort and effectiveness when working remotely, showcasing adaptability to flexible work arrangements.

  11. Excels in adjusting to different project requirements, ensuring seamless transitions and project success.

  12. Effectively collaborates with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, demonstrating flexibility in communication and teamwork.


  1. Struggles to adapt to shifting priorities and unexpected challenges.

  2. Demonstrates resistance to change and new ways of doing things.

  3. Shows difficulty in juggling multiple tasks simultaneously.

  4. Is hesitant about embracing new technologies or tools.

  5. Shows resistance to changes in reporting structures or team dynamics.

  6. Demonstrates difficulty in adjusting to different communication styles.

  7. Appears uncomfortable with remote work or flexible scheduling options.

  8. Shows hesitation in accepting new responsibilities beyond the current role.

  9. Resistant to cross-training opportunities and skill development.

  10. Demonstrates difficulty in transitioning between different projects seamlessly.

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Performance Review Phrases About Interpersonal Skills


  1. Works seamlessly with team members to achieve common goals.

  2. Promotes a positive team atmosphere and contributes to a collaborative culture.

  3. Effectively conveys ideas and information to team members and stakeholders.

  4. Actively contributes to team success and fosters an uplifting team environment.

  5. Collaborates well with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

  6. Demonstrates a commitment to understanding and meeting customer needs.

  7. Strives to exceed customer expectations in every interaction.

  8. Fosters an inclusive and diverse work environment.

  9. Shows respect for the office and values differences among team members.

  10. Builds positive relationships with colleagues and stakeholders.

  11. Effectively communicates and collaborates with team members.

  12. Exhibits exceptional active listening skills, ensuring clear understanding and effective communication with team members.

  13. Demonstrates the ability to resolve conflicts with diplomacy and tact, contributing to a harmonious team atmosphere.

  14. Excels at building strong and positive relationships across different teams.

  15. Promotes open and transparent communication, facilitating overall team cohesion and understanding.

  16. Easily establishes rapport with colleagues.

  17. Promotes inclusivity by actively engaging with coworkers in and out of their department.

  18. Mentors and supports junior team members.

  19. Handles stressful situations calmly, helping diffuse tension and maintain a focused and productive environment.

  20. Actively participates in team-building activities, setting an excellent example for other employees.

  21. Facilitates effective team meetings, ensuring active participation, engagement, and positive outcomes.

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  1. Frequently incites conflict with other coworkers, disrupting the work environment.

  2. Exacerbates already existing interpersonal conflicts, creating further problems among employees.

  3. Demonstrates a lack of empathy toward the feelings and perspectives of colleagues.

  4. Contributes to a hostile work environment by engaging in disruptive or harmful behavior.

  5. Has difficulty in establishing positive and collaborative relationships with team members.

  6. Often misinterprets communication, leading to misunderstandings and strained relationships.

  7. Regularly dismisses or ignores input from team members, creating a lack of inclusivity.

  8. Often exhibits defensive behavior, making collaboration and constructive feedback challenging.

  9. Has difficulty managing conflicts within the team, leading to unresolved employee issues.

  10. Displays a lack of professionalism in client interactions, impacting the business’s overall reputation.

  11. Creates tension within the team by frequently making inappropriate jokes or comments.

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Performance Review Phrases About Leadership


  1. Inspires and motivates team members to excel.

  2. Demonstrates strong leadership skills in guiding projects to successful completion.

  3. Adheres to high ethical standards in all professional activities.

  4. Demonstrates integrity and honesty in decision-making.

  5. Makes well-informed and timely decisions under pressure.

  6. Considers multiple perspectives before reaching conclusions.

  7. Effectively utilizes available resources to overcome obstacles.

  8. Finds creative solutions in resource-constrained situations.

  9. Displays qualities indicative of future leadership roles.

  10. Takes on leadership responsibilities willingly and effectively.

  11. Able to effectively delegate tasks.

  12. Easily identifies employee strengths and weaknesses.

  13. Uses positive leadership skills to enhance team cohesion.


  1. Struggles to collaborate with colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

  2. Contributes to divisions within the team by favoring certain individuals over others.

  3. Neglects to acknowledge or appreciate the achievements of team members.

  4. Demonstrates a lack of a clear and inspiring vision for the team.

  5. Faces challenges in communicating expectations and goals clearly to the team.

  6. Struggles to inspire and motivate team members, resulting in low morale and enthusiasm.

  7. Makes poor decisions that negatively impact team performance and overall outcomes.

  8. Tends to micromanage team members, limiting their autonomy and hindering productivity.

  9. Does not provide adequate guidance to subordinates when needed, leaving team members without clear direction.

  10. Displays difficulty in delegating tasks appropriately, leading to an uneven workload distribution.

  11. Shows a lack of emotional intelligence.

  12. Shows inflexibility in decision-making, hindering the team's ability to respond to challenges.

  13. Establishes a culture of fear rather than respect, hindering open communication and creativity.

  14. Often changes direction without providing clear explanations, causing confusion and frustration.

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