18 Rose Color Meanings To Avoid Sending the Wrong Message

Are you thinking about sending roses to someone you care about? You may be surprised to see just how many colors are available. And with all of the color options, it could get confusing to know which one to send. Most of us know that red roses mean "love." But what do the other colors mean? Fortunately, we've got all the details on rose color meanings.

When it comes to the different floral hues, you wouldn't want to accidentally give someone the wrong idea! For instance, if you want to send flowers to the love of your life, you might not want to send yellow roses which mean "friendship." Although there is friendship with the one you love, it may not be exactly what you're trying to communicate. And it goes the other way as well—sending purple roses (which signify passion and infatuation) to a friend might not be the message you are intending. The wrong color could cause unnecessary confusion. 

Many of the rose colors do have a romantic meaning, other than black, which is for mourning. From friendship or gratitude to love or passion, each color carries significance. Whether you are thinking about giving roses for a special occasion, the holidays, Valentine's Day or just because, you'll soon have the confidence and knowledge to pick the perfect shade!

Related: What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Love Life, According to Relationship Experts

Rose Colors and Their Meanings

Red Roses Mean "Love"

<p>Bence Balla-Schottner/Unsplash</p>

Bence Balla-Schottner/Unsplash

The traditional red rose is known to signify love and romance. This may have started with Greek and Roman mythology—it was told that the red rose was created by the goddess of love, Aphrodite. The legend states that her tears and the blood of her lover, Adonis, watered the ground where roses appeared.

Related: 8 Greek Words for Love

Burgundy Roses Represent Devotion

<p>Josh Ogden/Unsplash</p>

Josh Ogden/Unsplash

Burgundy roses represent a passion even deeper than red roses. The color also carries meaning connected to loyalty and commitment. So, this may be the perfect color to give to your significant other to express your feelings.

Deep Pink Roses Mean "Gratitude"

<p>Henrique Ferreira/Unsplash</p>

Henrique Ferreira/Unsplash

Pink, in general, tends to represent innocence and sweetness. The deep color of pink, however, carries meaning more on the line of gratitude. Deep pink roses are appropriate for anyone you appreciate.

Medium Pink Roses Mean "Congratulations"

<p>Colin Maynard/Unsplash</p>

Colin Maynard/Unsplash

If you want to express congratulations to someone, a bouquet of medium pink roses is one of the best colors to choose. So, if you have a daughter or friend who just accomplished something significant, medium pink roses could be the perfect gift.

Light Pink Roses Represent Appreciation or Innocence

<p>ORNELLA BINNI/Unsplash</p>


Light pink roses are so pretty and feminine. The color stands for innocence and is perfect for giving to a friend or daughter "just because" or with a "thinking of you" note. This is also a good rose color to give a girlfriend in a new and budding relationship.

Purple Roses Signify Passion

<p>Andre Hunter/Unsplash</p>

Andre Hunter/Unsplash

The purple rose is about passion and infatuation. This could signify the beginning of a romantic relationship. Purple also stands for royalty, majesty and honor, making purple also a good color to give to someone you hold in high regard.

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Lavender Roses Signify Love at First Sight

<p>Josh Ogden/Unsplash</p>

Josh Ogden/Unsplash

Like deep purple, the lavender rose has something to do with passion, especially love at first sight or enchantment.

Orange Roses Represent Fascination

<p>eniko kis/Unsplash</p>

eniko kis/Unsplash

Orange roses look so fun and vibrant! The color means fascination, but is also an energetic and uplifting color. Giving orange roses would definitely cheer up someone who is ill. Or, if you have a friendship that is beginning to feel romantic, orange is the perfect color choice between yellow and red.

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Salmon Roses Show Desire

<p>Jonathan Meyer/Unsplash</p>

Jonathan Meyer/Unsplash

Salmon is another soft and innocent color. It means "desire" which makes salmon roses a good color to give at the beginning of a relationship, or honestly, at any stage (who says the honeymoon period has to end?).

Peach Roses Signify Gratitude

<p>Stephanie Mulrooney/unsplash</p>

Stephanie Mulrooney/unsplash

Do you want to show someone gratitude? Give them peach roses! Not only does the color mean "gratitude," but it also just looks so cheerful and happy.

Related: Thankful Quotes

Black Roses Signify Mourning

<p>LOGAN WEAVER/Unsplash</p>


You don't see black roses very often and if you do, they may be displayed around Halloween. In fact, black is not a natural rose color, but one that is dyed. Roses in black typically stand for mourning and death. Of course, black roses could also be used in formal events—possibly paired with cream for an elegant arrangement.

White Roses Represent New Love

<p>Annie Spratt/Unsplash</p>

Annie Spratt/Unsplash

Traditionally, white roses are used in weddings and stand for innocence, new beginnings and truth. It's also popular to display white roses at graduations or baptisms.

Cream Roses Signify Thoughtfulness

<p>Fiona Murray/Unsplash</p>

Fiona Murray/Unsplash

Cream or ivory roses are soft and elegant looking. The gentle color means "thoughtfulness" without romantic intentions. This makes cream roses perfect for giving to a friend or coworker. Cream rose bouquets are also often used at formal gatherings because of their sophisticated look.

Yellow Roses Mean "Friendship"

<p>Felipe Salgado/Unsplash</p>

Felipe Salgado/Unsplash

Yellow roses represent friendship and are great for showing you care. In general, yellow is a very uplifting hue, so these would be good to give when you want to brighten someone's day. It's truly a great color for so many different occasions!

Related: Color Analysis Is Having a Moment—Here's What It Means and How to Learn Yours

Yellow Roses With Red Tips Represent Happiness

<p>Josh Ogden/Unsplash</p>

Josh Ogden/Unsplash

Like orange roses, yellow roses with red tips are a good color to give for a new budding romance, but could work for many different occasions! After all, a cross between red and yellow also represents happiness and cheerfulness.

Green Roses Mean "Good News"

<p>Christine Sandu/Unsplash</p>

Christine Sandu/Unsplash

Green roses are not grown naturally, but the dyed green color is often equated to renewal or richness. It would be a perfect color to give someone who has recovered from an illness or is embarking on a new career.

Blue Roses Signify Mystery

<p>Cmst May/Unsplash</p>

Cmst May/Unsplash

Another dyed color, blue roses mean "mystery." Do you have a secret affection? Send her blue roses! The color also signifies rarity and could be given to someone you find truly unique.

Gold Roses Represent Luxury

<p>Alexandru Acea/Unsplash</p>

Alexandru Acea/Unsplash

Are you planning a luxurious event for your significant other, like a 40th birthday or anniversary celebration? For emphasis, you may want to include a bouquet of luxuriant gold roses. What better way to make someone feel pampered and loved?

Next up, the best romantic love quotes to share.