18 Wives Whose Jokes Elevated Them To Household Legend Status
2 min read
1.This wife, who thought it would be funny to change her husband's phone to write "penis" whenever he wrote the word "love":
2. This wife, who got her husband this birthday cake:
"Happy Birthday Numbnuts!"
3.This wife, who added a little something to her husband's bumper before a long drive:
4. This wife, who took food pranking to a totally new level:
5. This wife, who put this in the toilet to scare the crap out of her husband when he goes to use it:
6. This wife, who made fun of her husband's hatred for Nicolas Cage like this:
I always pester my husband to eat bananas for his leg cramps. I tried to get him to eat one last night when he was watching Netflix. He was already irritated as every movie suggestion starred Nichols Cage and he doesn’t like him. I just found him the perfect Christmas present. He’s going to hate it. from funny