19 Weirdly Satisfying Pictures That We Can File Away As NSFW Organization Porn

1. This basement of some true Type A Legend?!!!!!!!!!!!

2. Whoever organized these Jarritos needs a tender lil' forehead kiss, me finks:

3. This tin of cards that just, like...*shivers*:


5. This art teacher who did THIS:

6. This binder that has me ready to risk it all, IDK.......:

7. This aisle of ?beer?:

8. These Fruity Pebbles that are a little too mesmerizing for breakfast cereal, no?

9. These mind-melting bookshelves!!!!!!!!!

10. These wires that I could genuinely stare at for hours and never get bored...?

11. This immaculate silverware drawer:

12. This DVD organization that actually probably makes it impossible to find a specific movie, but, like...it looks cool!!!!!!!

13. This hardware kit that is packaged both satisfyingly and BRILLIANTLY...?!?!?!?!?!

14. This box of chalk that just looks the way a head massage feels, if that makes sense?

15. This delectably color-coded party store:

16. These perfectly sorted puzzle pieces:

17. These peppers!!!!!!!!!!

18. These gorgeous lil' gemstone bbs!!!!!!!!!!

19. And lastly, I leave you with two words: RAINBOW ?? YARN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ??

H/T: r/oddlysatisfying.