21 Questions To Ask When You're Starting a New Relationship

There's nothing quite like the thrill of being in a new relationship. The butterflies, stolen kisses, holding hands and constant smiling are all telltale signs that you've entered into one of the best whirlwinds you'll ever experience. While these are all great things, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming. Getting to know your new other half can sometimes be downplayed a bit by the attraction, especially if you get hopelessly swept off your feet. Fortunately, we have 21 questions for a new relationship to keep you on track!

In our opinion, the honeymoon phase should last as long as possible, but how do you know if you're on the honeymoon with the right person? There's nothing better than asking all the questions to help you get to know someone. And these questions will do the trick! Read on to get ideas on what to ask during your next date night

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21 Questions for a New Relationship

1. What do you plan for your days off?

Knowing this will not only allow you to plan fun dates together, but it will also give you an idea of the type of person they are when no one is looking.

2. What makes you the happiest?

Wanting to make your partner happy is what a relationship is all about, and this question will have you that much closer to your goal.

3. What's your favorite color?

This one may seem a bit trivial, but filling a basket with everything in one specific color is a pretty cute gift idea!

Related: What Your Favorite Color Says About Your Love Life, According to Relationship Experts

4. Are you a dog or a cat person?

Maybe they're a lizard person, but it would be a good idea to know upfront what kinds of furry or not so furry creatures you'll be spending time with.

5. Are you close with your family?

Some families are very tight-knit, while others are anything but. Knowing which one your partner is can be very helpful going forward.

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6. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Not only will you find out how practical they can be, (or not!) you'll know their favorite meal and can start practicing to get it perfect in order to surprise them!

7. What are three things that you can't live without?

Chapstick is one of mine, and my husband likes to surprise me every now and then by slipping a new lip balm into my purse for me to find. It makes my day that much better, and you can do the same if you know what they can't live without!

8. What's your favorite movie?

What's a more classic date night activity than watching a movie? Pop some popcorn, get cozy and cuddle together to enjoy both of your favorite films. You could even compare them afterward for added conversation!

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9. How would you spend lottery winnings?

I don't mean the extra five dollars you got from a scratch-off—I'm talking mega millions. Knowing what a person would do with that much money can tell you a lot about who they are.

10. Do you want kids?

This one is important. If both of you want the relationship to continue to the same level it's good to know sooner than later where you stand on this subject.

11. Where do you like to go on vacation?

Knowing what helps them unwind and where they get the most joy will be helpful when you want to plan a vacation together!

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12. What music do you most enjoy?

Sharing a love of music can be a beautiful thing. Even if you don't have the same taste in music, you can still broaden your horizons by trying out what your new partner likes.

13. Do you have any allergies?

This might feel a little lackluster, but is very good to know in case you want to bake them cookies! It would be less than ideal if you bake them peanut butter cookies and they have a peanut allergy.

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14. What motivates you?

Being able to identify where they draw their energy from can be a great tool. Not only will you have information on what kind of person they are, you can help to motivate them when they seem a bit down.

15. Do you have a favorite holiday?

Celebrating holidays can be a big deal in a relationship, and knowing which one is most important to your partner can help to alleviate any tension created by expectations when the day arises.

16. What is your favorite childhood memory?

Watch your date's face light up as they recall the memory they hold dearest from their youth. How fun would it be to recreate that for a date?!

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17. Do you have a hobby?

This question ties in with the chapstick mentioned above. If your partner likes to grill dinner, read a new book on the weekends, or create their own earrings, you'll have the information to buy them new seasonings to try, get them a book they've been wanting, or supplies for jewelry-making and put a huge smile on their face.

18. What is your favorite gift to give?

Their answer may surprise you, but it's a good insight into what they might like to receive!

19. Do you know your love language?

This is a great one! Knowing how your partner likes to be loved will allow you to give them the attention that they crave and strengthen your bond. In case you might not know, the five love languages are: words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service and gifts. (For further information on this subject, check out The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate by Gary Chapman.)

20. What do you struggle with?

Recognizing when your partner might be struggling is completely different from knowing how to help them. If you know beforehand what they struggle with, you'll be able to research and learn how best to respond and help them should they want you to.

21. What are your goals for the future?

Whether they have a detailed list of accomplishments they want to achieve or haven't given it much thought, asking this question will give you a better idea of how your new partner feels about life and where you might fit into it.

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