I Hate To Say It, But These 21 People Deserve To Be Banned From Restaurants Until They Can Learn To Be Kind, Functioning Members Of SocietyBuzzFeedThu, August 10, 2023 at 7:15 AM UTC2 min read1.This customer who doesn't seem to understand how paying for your order works: u/chassepatate / Via reddit.com2.This conspiracy theorist: u/Dramatic_Problem_566 / Via reddit.com3.This person who clearly has no clue what pizza is: u/Balloon_911 / Via reddit.com4.This vile customer who deserves nothing but the worst: u/givinghards / Via reddit.com5.This person who saw a restaurant's good deed, and decided to make it about them: u/ryan04583 / Via reddit.com6.This person who used a cafe's free Wi-Fi, then had the audacity to get food from another restaurant: u/OffTheWall343 / Via reddit.com7.This person whose friend had an unfortunate bathroom mishap, and therefore decided to blame the restaurant: u/DesignerPear / Via reddit.com8.This person who got mad when they received all the food they ordered: u/onablanketwithmybaby / Via reddit.com9.This person who demanded to be served after closing, then had the audacity to complain that the restaurant didn't have fries: u/Tmbistroolyme / Via reddit.com10.These people who got mad at a restaurant for handing out free candy canes because they weren't organic: u/crazybitchgang / Via reddit.com11.This person who posted a misleading review and got absolutely destroyed by the restaurant manager: u/hushitsu / Via reddit.com12.This person who doesn't understand Korean BBQ and probably should've researched a little beforehand: u/spaghettimachinist / Via reddit.com13.This person who blamed their own bad math on a restaurant: u/TeutscAM19 / Via reddit.com14.This person who thought they could just eat and hang out for free at a restaurant: u/RadRadRiot / Via reddit.com15.These people who need to learn how to read a menu and/or ask questions: u/kbordersrtr / Via reddit.com16.This person who either flat-out lied, or didn't bother to make sure they were reviewing the correct restaurant: u/[deleted] / Via reddit.com17.This unsupportive and whiny customer: u/lobster_in_your_coat / Via reddit.com18.This person who failed to understand that customers are expected to pay for what they receive: u/opheliaaaa888 / Via reddit.com19.This reviewer who clearly did some creepy shit, but is determined to stick to their story: u/Procrastiworking / Via reddit.com20.This person who thought posting a restaurant on IG entitled them to free food: u/Tbonewiz / Via reddit.com21.And, this person who didn't qualify for a certain promotion, and therefore got mad: u/wrongbutt_longbutt / Via reddit.comH/T: r/ChoosingBeggars, r/facepalm, r/YelpDramaAbout Our Ads