22 'Dry January' Memes To Help Make the Month a Lot More Fun

Dry January does not mean a month without snow or rain. It actually means a month without drinking alcohol. Why, you ask? Because it's a great time to refresh after all the holiday partying. It's also a great way to experience life without alcohol and enjoy the health benefits that go with it. It's also ripe for funny memes—but more on that below.

For the last decade, the month of January has been set aside as a time to go dry. This challenge is known as dry January, sober January, and even "drynuary." Like with any resolution, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to get a fresh start and be kind to your body. The idea has been gaining in popularity with each new year. After all, what's not to like about eliminating hangovers, losing weight, staying focused and improving one's health? Not to mention all of the money saved from not buying alcohol.

Even with all of the benefits, it can be a struggle for many people to stay dry for a whole month. Because of this, a little humor may be necessary. These hilarious dry January memes are just the ticket for helping you to get through the struggles of staying on track. They'll help get your spirits up—and you won't have to drink any spirits at all.

Related: Sober Curious? These 17 Mocktail Recipes Were Made for Dry January—and Beyond

Best Funny Dry January Memes

You might be able to relate to some of these funny memes that bring about common feelings, struggles, and a little bit of sneakiness.

The struggle is real



A desert is a thirsty place



You have to do what you have to do



That can't count, can it?



Related: Starting to Lose Steam Around Dry January? Let These Health Benefits Serve as Your Motivation to Keep Going

Just giddy or a little tipsy?



No one needs to know



Some concessions are pretty easy to make.



It's good to be optimistic!



Beauty is in the eye of the drunken beholder.



It's still just water.



This can't happen again.



Related: Dry January Doesn’t Have to Be Boring—Here Are 25 Things to Do That Are a Lot More Fulfilling Than Drinking

Hilarious Dry January Memes

Suddenly focused and aware.

Define dry.

It's important to get the right punctuation.

You'd have to be drunk.

Some like it dry.

Don't want to. Don't have to.

Technically keeping the rules.

Your kidding, right?

At least you'll get some beauty sleep to start 2024 off right.

One way to look at it.

Life is good.

Next Up: 22 Depression Memes to Help You Feel Less Alone—And Maybe Even Make You Laugh