22 Photos I Found This Week That Are Weird, Inexplicable, Or Might Just Prove We Live In A Matrix

1.This Roomba that managed to free itself from the shackles of endless vacuuming...only to find itself stuck on a roof:

roomba on the roof above a set of swinging door
u/Advanced-Secretary-3 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

2.This cat that said "fuck physics" and decided to casually and cozily lay like this:

its face is upright and forward but its legs are somehow facing up
u/DownTownDK / Reddit / Via reddit.com

3.This triple-C thiccc banana that must be seen to be believed:

looks like its 2 bananas in one peel
u/philofyourfuture / Reddit / Via reddit.com

4.This ice cream that made it all the way through production and delivery without anyone noticing that a) it has no lid and b) the "best buy" date is LITERALLY PRINTED ON THE FOOD:

printed date on the ice cream
u/Sad-Mine-8595 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

5.This frosty car that looks like a video game screenshot come to life:

car has a thin layer of ice and looks fake
u/stargasingintovoid / Reddit / Via reddit.com

6.This doctor who's not just a regular doctor...they're a COOL doctor who SWEARS:

board says, dr. badwords
u/dontneed2knowme / Reddit / Via reddit.com

7.This bill for a semester of college at Harvard in 1869, that was a whopping $170.42. There's nothing more otherworldly than a college education that isn't a trillion dollars!!!

Yeah yeah yeah, I know what you're thinking — things were cheaper then! Inflation! Listen bestie — I checked an inflation calculator and, in 2023 dollars, this whole semester was $3,855.39, including room and board. Colleges today will charge you that much just to BREATHE inside their dorm rooms.

8.This pill that's filled with...a bunch of smaller pills. Which...might be filled with even smaller pills, perhaps??

capsule has been broken to reveal a bunch of pills
u/Little_Mog / Reddit / Via reddit.com

9.This cat that's T-posing for dominance, obviously:

cat standing in front of a statue so it looks like it's got arms spread out
u/WolfsToothDogFood / Reddit / Via reddit.com

10.This person's hot cocoa lid that came apart and revealed...a car wax cap?

*Katy Perry voice* IN ANOOOOOTHER LIIIIFE ��

*Katy Perry voice* IN ANOOOOOTHER LIIIIFE ??

u/pigeonholepundit / Reddit / Via reddit.com

11.This very tall girl with very thin, unexpectedly red, and unfathomably straight legs:

woman sitting on a bar stool with her skirt circling it so it looks like it might be her legs
u/HeavyGuidance / Reddit / Via reddit.com

12.This dog and their absolutely massive unit of a cat sibling:

looks like a huge cat and dog are next to each other but really the cat is on a platform

13.This inverted hot dog that feels so deeply cursed, I'm almost at a loss for words:

bun and sausage have switched places in a hot dog
u/evnn21 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

14.This parking pass that's valid for a loooong time, and by long I mean literally until 2095:

  u/7DEADROSES / Reddit / Via reddit.com
u/7DEADROSES / Reddit / Via reddit.com

15.These coworkers who both showed up to work with missmatched socks...that coincidentally matched:

  u/soramlilicant / Reddit / Via reddit.com
u/soramlilicant / Reddit / Via reddit.com

16.The person who went to bed with just one black fence surrounding their home, and woke up with a second ice fence right alongside it:

ice on the fence
u/daxxog / Reddit / Via reddit.com

17.This building that didn't load right on the first try, I guess:

  u/Negative-Money6629 / Reddit / Via reddit.com
u/Negative-Money6629 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

18.This pumpkin that aged from a spry young jack-o-lantern to a "want some candy, whippersnapper?" grandpappy in a month:

pumpkin face looks toothless and old
u/Kangar / Reddit / Via reddit.com

19.This cat gravy boat that I just know every fellow cat owner can hear:

gravy spills from its mouth
u/CincoDeMayoFan / Reddit / Via reddit.com

20.These 10 fu— I mean, flickering lights that really need a new package design and font:

the "l" and "i" are typed too close together and look like a "u" so it might read 10 fucking lights
u/athosjesus / Reddit / Via reddit.com

21.The dentist's office that had all these famously low-sugar drinks in its waiting room. I guess that's one way to make sure people come back!

fridge filled with soda
u/fighterace00 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

22.And finally, this sweet pup and its terrifying, scheming shadow that I hope never, ever escapes the shadow realm it's been banished to:

shadow of a dog looks like a creepy skinny wolf
u/5T0P5H4D0WB4NN1NGM3 / Reddit / Via reddit.com

If you enjoyed these, you can find a whole bunch more like them here. h/t r/confusing_perspective, r/oddlyterrifying, r/Weird, r/mildlyinteresting, and r/GlitchInTheMatrix.