25 Screenshots Of Dating App Conversations That Would Make Any Single Person Want To Scream Into The Void

1.This person who was annoyed that their Tinder match wasn't carrying the conversation:

person 1 says great convo after receiving a hi and person 2 says you came out of the gate blazing and i'm just trying to keep up
AnotherDoubtfulGuest / Via reddit.com

2.This person who was the definition of high-maintenance:

person says they can only ansswer one question at a time and so the other person should only ask one question at a time
u/sierraalpha149 / Via reddit.com

3.This person who was a straight-up liar:

person says they don't actually have a phd but they might as well
u/Mr_Poopy_Butthole89 / Via reddit.com

4.This person who only looked for one trait in a romantic partner:

person continuing to ask how much the other person makes and how much they have
u/Seijiteki / Via reddit.com

5.This person who had a very specific process for verifying Tinder matches:

person asking for pics with measurements to prove they are over 5'5 and if they dont agree with this they'll just move on
u/BackgroundContract77 / Via reddit.com

6.This person who made a huge confession 20 minutes before their date:

i may not have told you that i can't speak english at all i'll use google translate when i dont understand
Corndawgptang / Via reddit.com

7.This person who was a control freak:

person wanting their match to get rid of their 2 piercings because they don't like them
u/StillBarelyHoldingOn / Via reddit.com

8.This person who was an obvious scammer:

someone trying to get a bitcoin transfer
u/OrbitalTime / Via reddit.com
person still trying to get money in the form of a gift card
u/OrbitalTime / Via reddit.com

9.This person who was closed off from the start:

Someone opens a conversation by saying they're difficulty to connect with personality wise and asks what makes their match better than other candidates
u/Glittering_Finger_63 / Via reddit.com

10.This person who left out important information in their profile:

A woman compliments a man and asks for shirtless pictures, the man asks if she has Snapchat, and she says to text because her fiancé shares her Snapchat
u/jelaur_610 / Via reddit.com

11.This person who couldn't stand small talk:

Someone says "tell me a little about yourself," and the other person responds "stuff like that is why I don't do dating apps, you want the most personal details already"
u/mazatapec_shroom / Via reddit.com

12.This person who couldn't hold a basic conversation:

Someone asks "is psychology fun? I'm an accounting major and it's about as boring as you'd think," and the other person responds "that's a boring way to start a conversation"
u/TheGreatEmanResu / Via reddit.com

13.This person who wouldn't open up at all:

Someone starts a conversation with a person named Lo "may I ask what Lo is short for?" and they respond, "No you may not, is that pertinent at all?"
u/Hellion1982sfw / Via reddit.com

14.This person who was unethically non-monogamous:

Someone asks for clarity on their match saying they're polyamorous, and the person responds that they always have two partners but they don't know about each other
u/likelegitnonamesleft / Via reddit.com

15.This person who didn't want to talk about the very minimimal information they shared on their profile:

A match refuses to talk about their small business, then criticizes their match for not coming up with better questions
u/Aperion_Wonder / Via reddit.com
profile says florida native, never married, and no kids and they're a pescatarian
u/Aperion_Wonder / Via reddit.com

16.This person who got pissed at someone asking questions about their life:

Someone asks if their match has roommates, and they respond "are you trying to pay my bills? Because if not I don't see why who I do or don't live with concerns you, fucking loser"
u/YoRafa97 / Via reddit.com

17.This person who stood someone up:

Someone asks "did you change your mind about breakfast," and their match responds "oh hey, yeah, I took a road trip"
u/dizzypurplepanda / Via reddit.com
person says, it would have been nice to get the courtesy of a cancelation i don't think we'll be talking anymore
u/dizzypurplepanda / Via reddit.com

18.This person who spoke in riddles:

A person asks what their match likes to do on dates and gives some examples, the match says "none of those, real dates" and when asked what they consider a real date, they respond "If I have to tell, it isn't worth it"
u/Chowdergrrl / Via reddit.com

19.This person who was turned off very, very easily:

Someone asks if their match is excited for their date, they respond yes, the original texter says "prove it then" with a winking face, and the match says they have nothing to prove and calls off their date
u/superhotgrumblefire / Via reddit.com

20.This person who unmatched someone because he was 25 and "still" in college:

Two matches were making plans to meet up, one mentioned they're in college, and the other person backed off and said "25 and still in college? Interesting"
u/hancii35 / Via reddit.com

21.This person who was only on Tinder for revenge:

The main bio of a woman says "my boyfriend pissed me off and I'm immature, so here I am. Can someone give me the attention he's not?"
u/1GloryFoxx1 / Via reddit.com

22.This person whose profile was misleading:

A man named Travis has an about me that simply says "taking dog mom applications"
u/Iplaythebaboon / Via reddit.com
A woman opens conversation with Travis by saying "I raised a quarantine puppy so I come with dog mom qualifications," and he responds "I don't give a fuck"

23.This person who was catfishing:

A man admits to creating a profile as if he's a woman because he wants to trick straight men into having a sexual encounter
u/Alternate962 / Via reddit.com

24.This person who seriously found having an Android phone to be a dealbreaker:

Someone admits they have an Android phone, and their match says "ewww, wow you know what? Blocked, unfriended, rejected"
u/Alternate962 / Via reddit.com

25.And lastly, this person who matched with someone just to give them feedback on their profile:

Someone opens the conversation by saying their match looks very handsome in their first picture but their other pictures are very odd
u/KelbosaDownAHallway / Via reddit.com