3 Month Old Baby Milestones to Know

Your 3-month-old baby is getting stronger and discovering all the things their body can do. Check out these 3-month baby milestones.

Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong
Caitlin-Marie Miner Ong

Medically reviewed by Samantha Mann

The third month is a vital time in your baby's development, says Donna Eshelman, a movement specialist and founder of Stellar Caterpillar, a Los Angeles-based business focused on helping babies reach their gross motor milestones in the first year.

"The first couple of months are really about feeling their bodies, sleeping, and eating," Eshelman says. "With the third month, there are the first signs of movement. The kicking really gets stronger and begins to take them somewhere, like onto their stomach. It's really an important turning point."

Keep reading to learn more about what you can expect from your 3-month-old baby.

Related: A Week-by-Week Guide to Your Baby's First Year Milestones

Milestones at 3 Months

A 3-month-old baby has hit an exciting time. By the end of this month, they may begin to laugh (so get that camera ready!). But they'll also start to develop hand-eye coordination, which will help set your little one up to achieve something spectacular in the next month or so: the ability to roll over.

Your baby's movements become more focused and steady as they try new movements.

Related: What to Know About New CDC Development Milestones for Kids

Head control

The biggest thing is the head control that a 3-month-old baby gains, says Kenneth Wible, MD, medical director of the Pediatric Care Center at Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics in Kansas City, Missouri. "They should be able to hold their head steady if you hold them upright. Sometimes they will lift their head up if they get their arms under them."

Related: When Do Babies Hold Their Heads Up?

Hand use

Your 3-month-old will also start to use their hands more and might put them together in front of themselves. "They're not going to take things, but if you present them with a toy or something else that attracts their attention, they'll hit it with their fist," Dr. Wible says.

Related: How Baby's Hands Skills Develop

Arm coordination

As the month goes on, your 3-month-old baby will continue to gather strength in their core and extremities. "During that third month, they're really developing their coordination with their arms; they're learning the control of their arms and the awareness. Rattles with sounds can be very helpful because it gives them feedback about where their arms are," says Eshelman.

Toward the end of the third month, you might see your baby roll over, she adds. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists this as a 6-month milestone, many babies surprise their parents with this trick much earlier.

Most babies first roll from their tummies to their backs, then as they get stronger and more coordinated, from their back to their tummy. Another reason to encourage tummy time!

Related: Developing Fine Motor Skills in Preschoolers

Each Baby Reaches Milestones at Their Own Speed

Don't freak out if your 3-month-old baby seems slow to reach gross motor milestones. "If the baby doesn't put [their] hands together or doesn't necessarily babble but makes other sounds, that's OK," Dr. Wible says. "They do things at their own pace and their rate."

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), some early signs of a physical or gross motor delay include:

  • Having trouble rolling over, sitting, or walking

  • Unable to hold head and neck steady

  • Muscles that seem stiff or floppy

Knowing which milestones to expect can help you identify if your baby meets these benchmarks.

In addition, you should alert your doctor if your baby isn't symmetrically moving their arms or legs or prefers one extremity over another. This could be a sign of a central nerve injury, says Dr. Wible, adding that he doesn't like to dwell on red flags at this age. "I've seen babies with red flags, and they turn out to be fine," he says.

Related: Is Your Baby a Late Bloomer?

How to Help Your Baby's Development

There are many ways to encourage your 3-month-old baby to develop their motor skills. It is important to remember that you can't rush your child's development, but you can make motor skill development lots of fun for you and your baby. Here are a few ideas.

Related: A Month-By-Month Guide to Your Baby's First Words

Offer lots of tummy time

Your baby should get plenty of tummy time every day. "That's such an important time," Eshelman says. "It's like a cornerstone of motor development."

The pressure of their hands on the floor during tummy time connects them to the muscles of the hands and shoulders, developing strength.

According to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, some tips for tummy time include:

  • Spread a blanket for your baby to lie on.

  • Prop your baby up slightly with a rolled-up towel under their arms.

  • Keep it short to limit frustration.

  • Try regular times, like after a nap or diaper change.

  • Try to encourage interaction by placing a toy just out of their reach.

  • Sit in front of your baby to interact and bond.

The exercise your 3-month-old baby gets now can also pay off in the future. "Later, around months six and seven, they will sit up for the first time with gorgeous posture if they've had a lot of practice," Eshelman says.

"A lot of times, parents will put them sitting up too soon, and their spine will curl backward because they don't have strength."

Related: Your Guide to Tummy Time

Explore together

Encourage your baby to explore their surroundings in new ways, Dr. Wible says. "Allow them to touch their feet to surfaces, and challenge them with toys and attractive objects that encourage them to try to reach or grasp for something," he suggests.

Related: 11 Simple Activities for Babies 0 to 6 Months Old

Encourage hands-on play

Eshelman encourages toys that make a sound based on a baby's movement, such as a rattle, "as opposed to something electronic and lights up when you push a button," she says. The unplugged rattles help develop the movement of the hands and arms, whereas the electrical toys only develop finger movement.

"It is very important to choose rattles that are a size that fits into [your] baby's small grip. A simple maraca or barbell shape is the perfect first rattle," she adds.

Related: An Age-By-Age Guide to Sensory Toys

When to Talk to Your Doctor

Talk to a health care provider if you have concerns about your child's development. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, babies should see their doctor for well-child checkups six times before their first birthday. This way, they can monitor how well and when your baby reaches essential milestones.

The CDC recommends talking to a health care provider early if you have concerns since early intervention can make a difference. They can help you determine if delays are within a normal range or concerning and direct you to developmental screening and intervention if necessary.

Related: What to Expect at Your Baby’s First Pediatrician Visit

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