3 of the Most Popular Bedroom Paint Colors, According to Spruce Readers

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This month, we asked our dear Facebook followers what their favorite bedroom paint colors are right now—and as usual, our followers had fun and surprising answers. From vibrant and bold colors, to some followers shouting out their deep love of neutrals, our Spruce readers really showed up for this survey.

Read on to find out which three bedroom paint colors were most popular, and which ones were a bit less common.


We received many comments that showed us that neutrals will simply never go out style. Soft shades of grey, cool beiges, light shades of brown and off white colors were the top colors mentioned and we couldn't agree more.

Your bedroom is for rest and serenity and neutral bedroom paint colors won't overwhelm your eyes or overstimulate you before heading to bed. Neutrals will also give your bedroom a more open look and will even make it look bigger than it actually is. Neutrals will forever give your bedroom the look and feel of peace and relaxation.

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Light Green and Blues

Many of our readers mentioned light and creamy shades like baby blue, light aqua greens, and soft greens. We adore these shades for bedroom walls and were delighted to hear you all had a similar sentiment.

The beauty of these shades are that they are still pretty neutral but add a pop of color without being overpowering. These two shades are not only lovely, but they will also not upstage or overwhelm the rest of the bedroom.

Classic White

White walls are classic and will always be a popular color for bedrooms. White is a wonderful shade for your bedroom because it helps any small or cramped room look big and spacious. It also instantly gives your bedroom a clean and bright look, even if you're not exactly tidy. White will always be one of the most well liked colors for walls in the home, especially bedrooms.

Which Colors Weren't As Popular?

Dark purples and blacks were mentioned by some of you and it's worth noting here as it is a bold choice for your bedroom color. Many readers seemed to love the concept of having a dark and vampy bedroom with a romantic feel.

Dark purples and black shades certainly will make a statement in your bedroom. And while it may seem like a scary or overwhelming thing to change drastically in your bedroom, it doesn't have to be so dramatic. You can try an accent wall where only one wall is painted black or a deep purple shade. This way, you can make the statement you want without overpowering the entire bedroom.

A few others noted in that comments that they preferred pink or salmon colors for their bedrooms. These colors work well with neutral furniture and gold accessories, like gold lighting or picture frames. Coral-like colors also will give your bedroom a peaceful and romantic touch. Ultimately, you can't go wrong with these soft pastel shades of pink, especially for your bedroom.

Read the original article on The Spruce.