
Easy Weight-Loss Tips That Take One Minute (or Less!)

Easy Weight-Loss Tips That Take One Minute (or Less!)

Easy Weight-Loss Tips That Take One Minute (or Less!)

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Try a Google search on the term “weight loss” and you’ll get 2.4 billion results. If you winnowed that down to actual strategies, you’d find a breadth of advice ranging from intermittent fasting programs and workout routines to traditional nutrition insights and macro formulations.

[Build a killer midsection in the kitchen for powerful, effortless miles on the road with Eat for Abs!]

That’s all fine when you’re looking for long-term action, but what can you do right this second to boost your efforts? Plenty, as it turns out. Small changes can add up to surprisingly big results, particularly if you’re changing some less-than-ideal habits along the way. Consider these quick-hit tactics:

[Related: How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month?]

Small changes can add up to surprisingly big results.

From Bicycling
