Read full articleBuzzFeedI Feel So Bad For The People Who Have To Deal With These 34 Supremely Entitled KarensBuzzFeedMarch 21, 2022 at 11:46 AM·1 min read7Link Copied7.These women brought a bell with her to a restaurant so they could call over the server: u/applesuperfan / Reddit / Via u/ShapeShiftingDGNR8 / Reddit / Via u/pinkearmuffs / Reddit / Via u/SamiGurl7 / Reddit / Via reddit.com22.This Karen was angry their car was towed when they parked at a business then went to a friend's house: u/maybedisco_boy / Reddit / Via reddit.com24.This Karen refused to sit in the stands like a normal parent and instead sat in the middle of the gym to take photos of her kid: u/Max_1995 / Reddit / Via reddit.com28.This male Karen thought the halftime show was "sexual anarchy" and shouldn't be allowed on TV: u/Scaulbylausis / Reddit / Via u/spidersprinkles / Reddit / Via u/TheMercDeadpool / Reddit / Via reddit.comH/T: r/FuckYouKaren View comments