36 Bonkers Text Exchanges That Aren't For The Faint Of Heart
In case you need some of that thrilling combination of confusion, anger, and hilarity, here are 36 harrowing texts women have actually gotten from real-life men.
Elizabeth Meriwether Pictures / 20th Century Fox Television / Via giphy.com
1. I'm fascinated by this.
2. He's doing some very important research.
3.Like a Kit Kat.
4. Maybe lead with "Hello."
5. A sad turn of events.
6. The "order." Oof!
7. Plus, "It's time for a nude."
8. A wholesome conversation about prom.
9. This baffling request.
10. Periods do not come from the butt, folks.
11. Jesus Christ.
12. A post first date exchange.
13. Yeah, the issue was the word "pussy."
as a trans girl very early in her transition, I was absolutely delighted to receive this from creepyPMs
14. Breast milk facts.
"Because girls have milk filled in their boobies all the time, spraying around whenever they open their bra" from badwomensanatomy
15. Oh my god.
16. The literal wording is eerie.
17. Pap smears are arousing.
18. Maybe let women be?
19. Pregnancy.
20. Some things should stay in the past.
21. Okay, um, yeah, so now we have this.
22. Phil being an absolute dickhead.
Is that clear?? from creepyPMs
23. Funerals < jerking it.
This guy.. from creepyPMs
24. Ah yes, the g-spot and its pattern of hiding.
25. ????????
26. Gosh, poor guy.
27. Insulting someone's entire gender is, without fail, the way to their heart.
Apparently I'm too logical rational and logical to be a girl.....and you haven't talked to "girls" for 14 years? Where have you been? My guess is prison. from creepyPMs
28. The Febreze.
29. On yeast infections.
I currently have a yeast infection so I let this guy know and apparently I got it from sleeping with “disgusting” people lmao from badwomensanatomy
30. And hysterectomies.
31.At least we got a brilliant response out of this.
32. Only respectful people deserve that suit.
This is my 50 year old coworker. I’m 22f. I thought he was just showing me what he was wearing to our Xmas party.. from creepyPMs
33. Sometimes, imagination is a bad thing.
34. The wordsmith.
That’ll do it from creepyPMs