A 4-year-old dog that survived 3 gunshots to the face finds a forever home: 'It seems like a perfect match'

Dog survives three gunshots to the face, and finds a forever home. (Photo: KSFM)
Dog survives three gunshots to the face, and finds a forever home. (Photo: KSFM)

A 4-year-old dog named Hope might not have nine lives, but she did survive three gunshots to the face.

Back in late March, Hope was found tied to a pole in Arkansas with her face swollen and bloody. According to 5News, the people who found the dog brought her to the Hope Humane Society for help, where the director Amber Neal said the cause of the wounds were determined.

“We found that she was shot three times in the face, so she had to get some emergency vet care,” Neal told 5News about the dog, who still has scars from where the bullets entered her head.

Throughout Hope’s recovery, Neal searched for a permanent home for Hope. This is what brought Neal and Hope to the Arkansas River Valley Nature Center on Wednesday.

As the pair met with Park Ranger Levi Koch of the Arkansas State Parks, Neal stood by as Hope and her potential new owner got to walk around and get to know each other. In just a few minutes, Koch said it seemed like Koch found a new best friend.

She’s adorable. She’s very friendly. It seems like a perfect match,” Koch told the news affiliate. “I travel a lot, and I’d like someone to travel with me.

And although Neal forged a connection with Hope, the humane society director is ready to see the survivor pup off to her forever home.

“Animal rescue is really hard. But what’s great is giving them the chances,” Neal said. “Seeing them in their homes, that’s what it’s all about.”

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