4 Zodiac Signs Elevated by August's Full Moon

On August 19, 2024, the Aquarius full moon illuminates our night skies. In Aquarius, we must exercise discernment and maintain a bird's-eye view of our experience. Full moons denote emotional release. On this Aquarius full moon, we finally let go of stagnant feelings that prevent us from witnessing life from an objective point of view.

We must re-evaluate our life path with this full moon opposing, or being at odds with, the ongoing Leo Mercury retrograde. We must tune out temporary distractions to stay on track toward fulfilling our long-term emotional needs. Keeping our eye on the prize is more important than ever before.

Read on to see if you're one of the most impacted zodiac signs.

Which Zodiac Signs Are Most Impacted by August's Aquarius Full Moon?


There's expansion awaiting Taurus this Aquarius full moon. Heightened emotions become subtle observations, allowing this Earth sign to gain clarity. Their role in society becomes increasingly important.

Taurus must take this opportunity to show off their skills and strong suit. Shying away, remaining humble, or downplaying their skills won't serve their ambitions. They must ditch the imposter syndrome and claim authority in their field or career to practically excel. Worrying less about a public image, Taureans are more concerned about aligning with integrity.

Journaling Prompts for the Aquarius Full Moon for Taurus:

  • Where do you find a sense of purpose?

  • What role do you wish to play in society?

  • What legacy do they want to leave behind?

  • What responsibilities need to be tackled to reach your higher aims and goals?

Related: The Best Full Moon Self-Care Rituals for Each Zodiac Sign


Scorpio finds ample opportunity on this Aquarius full moon. While these positive shifts may initially be internal and invisible, this Water sign must remember that lasting change starts within. Mindset shifts work miracles. As Scorpio's psychological state regulates, their nervous system finally feels safe to process buried emotions. Now, true healing can begin.

Scorpio should practice vulnerability this lunation. This Aquarius full moon is about reconnecting to who and what matters most in their personal life. Rather than pushing a cool, calm, and detached persona, allowing others to witness the full spectrum of their emotions allows deeper connections.

Journaling Prompts for the Aquarius Full Moon for Scorpio:

  • How can I validate my emotional experience?

  • Where do I need to be more vulnerable and open with loved ones?

  • How can I utilize healthy boundaries to build deeper trust and commitment in my connections?

Related: August's Mercury Retrograde Jolts Us Out of a Summer Daze


Leo leans into the importance of love on this Aquarius full moon. Innovative, unique perspectives on devotion and relationships promote acceptance. Rather than pushing themselves or their loved ones into boxes, autonomy is practiced. A relationship and its agreements don't have to make sense to anyone other than those involved.

Heightened emotions are swapped for objective perspectives. This Fire sign is called to collaborate rather than lean into hyper-individualism. Assumptions harm communication. We cannot pretend to know everything another is thinking. By remaining humble to all we do not know, self-righteousness in relationships phases out into compromise, curiosity, and collaboration.

Journaling Prompts for the Aquarius Full Moon for Leo:

  • Where are my relationships reflecting unresolved wounds within myself?

  • What can I shift within my control to promote vulnerability in my connections?

  • How can I find common ground or compromise between my inner romantic optimist and cynic?

Related: 3 Zodiacs Expecting a Lucky August


There's evolution in store for Aquarius. Naturally, this full moon impacts them most closely, as its in their sign. There's excitement on the horizon. Stepping into authenticity becomes of utmost importance. Others are ready to handle their full self-expression. More importantly, this Air sign will validate their emotions, ready to close out outdated chapters.

Their sudden bursts of emotional clarity lead to innovative decision-making. There's no use playing it small now. Aquarians are eager to meet the new version of themselves in the works. However, to reach new heights, they must be honest about where they have gotten in their way and promise to back themselves from here on out.

Journaling Prompts for the Aquarius Full Moon for Aquarius:

  • Where do you need to embrace endings to find the beginnings you crave?

  • What aspects of yourself have you been hiding out of fear of judgment?

  • What would your Higher self advise you to do within your current circumstances?

Related: Your August Tarotscope for Each Zodiac Sign