Martha Stewart Living

46 Signature Cocktails by Spirit

Martha Stewart Living
46 Signature Cocktails by Spirit

46 Signature Cocktails by Spirit

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Choosing a signature cocktail (or two) may be the most fun you'll have during the wedding-planning process. But how do you pick a drink that you and your guests will love? Upgrade your favorite drink with seasonal syrups and garnishes. If you're beer drinkers, try a Lime Shandie. If you like anything bubbly, choose a classic champagne cocktail. Or if your standby is a gin and tonic, go for a gin-based cocktail. We rounded up nearly 50 cocktails based on spirits to help inspire your own wedding signature drink. Pro tip: Don't forget about the next day! If you're serving one cocktail with a high ABV (like a boozy Old Fashioned) balance it out with a cocktail that is less likely to turn your next-day brunch into a next-day nightmare (consider spritzes or beer cocktails).

Have your pick of the liquor: There are so many ways to stir up a signature wedding drink.
