5 Lunar Eclipse Rituals to Repel Evil Eye, Reverse Curses, & Protect Your Energy

5 Lunar Eclipse Rituals to Repel Evil Eye, Reverse Curses, & Protect Your Energy
5 Lunar Eclipse Rituals to Repel Evil Eye, Reverse Curses, & Protect Your Energy

There’s nothing more magical and mysterious than a full moon that’s dripping in shades of red, which is why you may be eager to perform a lunar eclipse ritual that will help you take advantage of this unique lunation. After all, an eclipse can evoke major changes that unfold in unpredictable ways, forcing you to adapt to the curveballs life is throwing at you. And although not every eclipse completely transforms your world, they still bring heavy truths to light.

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Arriving on March 25 at exactly 3 a.m. ET, the upcoming lunar eclipse in Libra could be the startling turning point in a story you’ve been writing since the North Node entered Aries and the South Node entered Libra on July 18, 2023. Since then, the Universe has been urging you to embrace all the positive qualities that Aries radiates, such as strength, courage, independence, self-assertion, and freedom. This penumbral lunar eclipse will be followed by a total solar eclipse in Aries on April 8, which could bring a major conclusion to your life that activates your identity and brings you closer to self-actualization.

Every six months, we enter a period known as “eclipse season”, and during this time, life has a tendency to take sharp, unexpected turns. Activating the North Node and the South Node—aka the Lunar Nodes of Fate—an eclipse speeds you up toward your ultimate destiny and removes what has been standing in the way of your growth. A solar eclipse takes place during a new moon and a lunar eclipse takes place during a full moon, and although the magic is tempting, eclipse season is the worst time to charge your crystals or perform manifestation rituals.

STYLECASTER | Lunar Eclipse
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

Why is a lunar eclipse not an ideal time for your usual full moon rituals? This energy is so volatile and intense that using it in spell work could lead to unforeseen consequences. And the reason it’s not the best time to charge your crystals under the moonlight has everything to do with the fact that the moon is currently sitting in the earth’s shadow (aka the “umbra”). You don’t want to program your crystals with the chaotic and unpredictable energy associated with a blood moon now, would you?

Eclipse season is the worst time to charge your crystals or perform manifestation rituals.

Truth be told, you don’t have to do any rituals at all during eclipse season. In fact, some astrologers and spiritualists would advise against it. This is when the Universe takes over the wheel and makes necessary adjustments to your life, so why meddle with the process? However, if you’re feeling really tempted to ritualize, I am of the belief that certain rituals—such as protection rituals and reversal rituals—can be of great aid to you during eclipse season. The energy can be rather negative at this time, especially if you find yourself separating from a person or toxic situation.

5 Lunar Eclipse Rituals to Repel Evil Eye & Negative Energy

Because a life-altering lunar eclipse in Libra is taking place on March 25, it’s never been a better time to let go of what you’ve been clinging onto well beyond its expiration date. Here are five simple rituals that will protect you from negative energy and prepare you for what comes next:

Stay Inside & Don’t Charge Your Crystals

Stay Inside & Don’t Charge Your Crystals
Stay Inside & Don’t Charge Your Crystals

The best thing about eclipse season? You really don’t need to do anything at all. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the need to ritualize or mark the occasion somehow, let me be the first to relieve you of that pressure. There’s really no need to perform a ritual during eclipse season, as the Universe is performing the ritual all by itself. During this time, relationships could end, jobs could change, and living situations could transform. Ideas may strike gold, life-changing conversations could be had, and you really have no clue where you’ll end up next. Because this energy is so volatile, intense, and emotional, you have every reason to give yourself a break and stay home. And whatever you do, don’t charge your crystals!

Journal, Meditate, & Get Grounded

Journal, Meditate, & Get Grounded
Journal, Meditate, & Get Grounded

To say that eclipse season is chaotic would be an understatement, especially if this eclipse is affecting your angular houses. These include your first house of the self, your fourth house of home and family, your seventh house of partnerships, and your 10th house of career. And with so much change underway, life may feel as though it’s up in the air. That’s why finding ways to stay grounded and connected to your inner voice can make all the difference.

I recommend journaling 3 pages of stream of consciousness every morning in the lead up to a lunar eclipse, as it will help empty some of the nonsense and worry that’s clogging your mind. You should also find time to meditate, as it will help you focus on what truly matters and allow important truths to rise to the surface. Meditating during eclipse season could lead to game-changing epiphanies! And whenever you’re feeling anxious or disconnected, make sure you remove your shoes and walk on some grass barefoot. Feeling the earth beneath you can help you feel more centered. You can also take a deep breath and imagine roots spreading from beneath your feet, anchoring you where you stand.

Check For Evil Eye

Check For Evil Eye
Check For Evil Eye

Is someone sending you bad vibes, like an ex lover or a jealous coworker? Eclipse season is often when unseen enemies make themselves known, so make sure you stay vigilant and aware of who may be cursing you and pretending to be your friend at the same time. There are several ways to check if someone is sending you evil eye. Here are two methods:

The Bowl & Matches Method

  • Pour purified water into a bowl and light two matches.

  • While the matches are lit, simply drop the matches into the water.

  • If the matches land in the shape of an X or touch each other, someone has been sending you evil eye.

  • If the matches land separately and do not touch, you have not been receiving evil eye.

The Egg Method

  • Pour water in a clear glass container, like a jar.

  • Take an egg and run it across every inch of your body, starting with your head all the way down to your toes.

  • Crack open the egg into the water.

  • If the egg whites begin to turn stringy, foamy, or form spikes stretching up from the yolk, someone has been sending you evil eye. You may be able to see the name or face of whomever has been sending you evil eye in the egg if you look closely.

Purify Your Energy & Aura

Purify Your Energy & Aura
Purify Your Energy & Aura

If you feel negative, anxious, or you’ve confirmed that someone has been sending you evil eye, you’ll want to do something to cleanse your energy and aura. A simple way to do this is to light sacred herbs—such as sage, palo santo, and rosemary—or sacred incense—such as frankincense, copal, or dragon’s blood. While the smoke is spreading, take a moment to inhale positive energy and exhale negative energy. Finish the process by reciting a prayer or mantra.

You could also take a cleansing bath or shower. While the water is surrounding you, imagine all the negative energy in your body and auric field being emptied into the water. And as the negative energy is removed from your being, imagine that it is being replaced by a positive and cleansing white light that refills all the empty space that the negativity left behind. Once the water goes down the drain, the negativity will be completely removed from your life.

Repeat these practices every day or as often as you need to.

Perform a Reversal Ritual

Perform a Reversal Ritual
Perform a Reversal Ritual

Do you feel angry about the negative energy someone has been sending you? Do you require further protection? The best way to deal with someone who has been cursing you or hexing you is to perform a reversal spell (a.k.a. a “return to sender” spell). This spell will not only protect you from further harm, but cause all the negative energy you are being sent to bounce right back to whoever sent it to you in the first place. Here are two ways to perform a reversal spell:

The Uno Reverse Card Method

  • Grab your deck of Uno game cards and sift through them until you find the “reverse” card. If you don’t have one, create your own and draw the reversal symbol on it.

  • Grab a small mirror. If you know who is sending you evil eye, you could write their name on the mirror or print out a picture of them and place it on the mirror face down. This will force them to reflect on their actions.

  • Place the reverse card directly on top of a small mirror or sandwiched on top of the photo of your enemy (if you have one).

  • Light a black or white candle and place it on top of the reverse card.

  • Whenever you’re ready, recite the words: “You have been sending me evil eye and negative energy. I return to sender times three.” You could also recite this classic school yard mantra: “I am rubber and you are glue. Whatever you say to me bounces off me and sticks to you.”

The Toilet Flush Method

  • Perform the “Egg Method” ritual listed above.

  • After you have cracked your egg into the jar of water, add baneful ingredients to the water, such as chili flakes, hot sauce, pepper, salt, or lemon water.

  • Pour your spicy concoction into your toilet bowl and recite the words: “You have been sending me evil eye and negative energy. I return to sender times three.”

  • Whenever you feel ready, flush the toilet and trust that your enemy will now have to deal with the karmic repercussions of their actions.

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