5 Things That’ll Make You See Clay Differently

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Photo credit: Netflix

From Seventeen

Warning: Contains spoilers for season 2 of 13 Reasons Why.

In season two of 13 Reasons Why, fans see another side of their favorite characters, Clay Jensen being one of them. In the first season of the show, Clay was depicted as the good guy, no question about it, but now, he's a little more complicated. Granted, no one is perfect, but here are 5 things that definitely will, if they haven't already, make you look at Clay differently this time around.

1. He pressures Jessica to tell her story.

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Photo credit: Netflix

Throughout season two, Clay tries to tell Jessica that the only way to get justice for Hannah and to catch Bryce Walker is to tell the court she was sexually assaulted by Bryce. Instead of respecting her story and her decision to not speak out, Clay insists.

In episode three, for example, when Jessica explains that Hannah's lawyers instructed her to only talk about the Hot or Not list during her testimony, Clay responds, "You know that's not true or it's not all that's true and they know it."

After some back and forth, Clay says, "Jess, listen, I know it's not easy. Like in no fucking universe do I think that, but if you tell the truth, when they ask you about your friendship, if you tell them the real reason you stopped speaking to Hannah, then the truth is out. This shit stops, and Bryce gets what's coming to him."

Clearly uncomfortable with where the conversation is going, Jessica decides to leave and head to her first period class, but not before putting Clay in his place. "You know, the truth doesn't always make things right. You should know that better than anyone," Jessica tells him.

2. He constantly puts Tony at risk.

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Photo credit: Netflix

Despite the fact that Tony is on probation, Clay puts him in really dangerous situations. First, he puts Tony in charge of detoxing and babysitting Justin, a recovering heroin addict. Then, he asks Tony to drive away with Tyler after he nearly commits a mass shooting at Liberty High. At a time when Tony needs to stay clear from trouble, it seems like Clay just can't keep him out of it. Selfish, much?

3. He gets mad at Hannah for losing her virginity to Zach.

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix

After Clay learns about Hannah and Zach's summer relationship, he starts to question everything he knows about Hannah. Clearly annoyed by Clay's thought process, Justin talks some sense into him and takes a deep dive into the sexual double standard.

"Do you know how many girls I've slept with? Like, a lot, which classifies me as a player or something and my best friends use to think I was the f*cking best. Hannah, she sleeps with one guy. She has a crush on another guy, being me, and she kisses a third, being you. Whatever, it's all fine, right? All of the sudden, she's a slut? All of the sudden, you don't know who she is? You're a dumbass," Justin says.