50 Pride Trivia Questions To Test Your LGBTQ Quiz Knowledge

Whether you're gay, straight or a part of the LGBTQ+ community in any way, everyone should know some basic Pride trivia. Pride is a crucial part of history for everyone, not just the LGBTQ+ communities, after all. But how much do you really know about the history of the movement? Covering everything from Supreme Court cases to pop culture phenomenons, these gay, LGBTQ trivia questions and answers may stump you, even if you think you're well-versed. 

If you're looking at this solo or quizzing your friends, brush up on your Pride knowledge and show off your smarts with these Qs! 

85 'Happy Pride Month' Wishes to Send to Friends and Family

LGBTQ+ Trivia Questions and Answers

Question: The Stonewall Inn is in which New York City neighborhood?
Answer: Greenwich Village

Question: The Stonewall riots took place in June of what year?
Answer: 1969

Related: What Does LGBTQ+ Mean? Every Letter Is Important to the Community

Question: The United States' first Pride parade took place in what year?
Answer: 1970

Question: Laura Jane Grace fronts which rock band?
Answer: Against Me!

Question: Which former government employee became a pioneer of the LGBTQ+ rights movement after being fired for being openly gay?
Answer: Frank Kameny

Question: Taylor Swift mentions "GLAAD" in which of her songs?
Answer: "You Need to Calm Down"

Question: Sylvia Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson led which activist group?
Answer: Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (S.T.A.R.)

Related: Here's How To Be a Straight Ally to the LGBTQ+ Community

Question: Larry Kramer founded which AIDS activist group?
Answer: AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP)

Question: Who wrote Hedwig and the Angry Inch?
Answer: John Cameron Mitchell

Question: Cyndi Lauper wrote the music for Kinky Boots based on whose book?
Answer: Harvey Fierstein

Related: 50 LGBTQ Quotes to Celebrate Pride, Encourage Equality and Remind Us All that Love Is Love

Question: When was the first protest for gay and lesbian rights?
Answer: The first Annual Reminder demonstration took place on July 4, 1965 in Philadelphia, PA

Question: What show features the longest-running queer character in TV history?
Answer: Grey's Anatomy (Bonus points if you can name the character: Dr. Callie Torres played by Sara Ramírez)

Question: What was the first European country to legalize same-sex marriage?
Answer: The Netherlands (Bonus points if you mentioned that it was the first country in the world to do so, too)

Question: What actress starred in Janelle Monáe's "Pynk" music video?
Answer: Tessa Thompson

Question: The original Pride flag had which two additional colors?
Answer: Hot pink and turquoise

Related: What Does the Lesbian Flag Look Like? Here's Why You Might See So Many Variations of the Lesbian Flag

Question: Who was the first openly gay man elected to public office in the United States?
Answer: Harvey Milk

Question: Who played Harvey Milk in Milk?
Answer: Sean Penn

Question: What TV show featured the largest transgender cast in history?
Answer: Pose

Question: Who was the first Black openly gay actor to win an Emmy?
Answer: Billy Porter

Question: Will & Grace premiered in what year?
Answer: 1998

Related: 15 New LGBTQ+ Books to Pick Up

Question: The Mattachine Society organized what sort of protest at a New York City bar in 1966?
Answer: Sip-in

Question: Tom Hanks won an Oscar for playing a gay man in what film?
Answer: Philadelphia

Question: Philadelphia added which two colors to their Pride flag in 2017?
Answer: Black and brown

Question: Which state became the first to legalize civil unions for same-sex couples?
Answer: Vermont

Question: Which activist is often credited as the "Mother of Pride"?
Answer: Brenda Howard

Related: What Does 'Sapphic' Mean? Here’s What the Word Means and How It Relates to ‘WLW’

Question: Who was the first-ever winner of RuPaul's Drag Race?
Answer: BeBe Zahara Benet

Question: What show featured the first recurring gay character on American TV?
Answer: The Corner Bar

Question: Which of The Golden Girls had a gay brother?
Answer: Blanche Devereaux

Question: Which iconic writer was a member of The Order of Chaeronea?
Answer: Oscar Wilde

Question: When is National Coming Out Day in the United States?
Answer: October 11

Related: 30 Pride Memes to Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Identity, Culture and Representation

Question: Demi Lovato played a love interest for which Glee character?
Answer: Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera)

Question: To which actress did Ellen DeGeneres come out of the closet on Ellen?
Answer: Laura Dern

Question: Michael Scott forcefully kisses which character on The Office in a misguided effort to promote tolerance?
Answer: Oscar

Question: Who wrote the Tony-winning play focused on AIDS, Angels In America?
Answer: Tony Kushner

Question: Who is credited with founding PFLAG?
Answer: Jeanne Manford

Question: PLFAG stands for what?
Answer: Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (later broadened to Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)

Related: ‘Queer’ Has Changed Meanings a Few Times—Here’s What It Means Now and How It’s Used

Question: What show aired the first-ever lesbian wedding on American TV?
Answer: Friends

Question: The first known lesbian rights organization in the United States was called what?
Answer: Daughters of Bilitis

Question: What country currently holds the record for the biggest Pride parade ever?
Answer: Brazil

Question: What was the first gay rights organization formed after the Stonewall Riots?
Answer: Gay Liberation Front

Related: Celebrate Pride Month With the 14 Best Gay/LGBTQ Movies on Netflix Right Now

Question: Who designed the first Pride flag?
Answer: Gilbert Baker

Question: The Asexual Pride flag is composed of what color stripes?
Answer: Black, gray, white, purple

Question: Which United States president signed a law banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in federal benefits?
Answer: President Barack Obama

Question: Which poet's work contained the first known written references to lesbian relationships?
Answer: Sappho

Question: What documentary depicted New York City's drag ball life at the height of the AIDS crisis?
Answer: Paris Is Burning

Question: The first gay and lesbian bookstore in America was called what?
Answer: The Oscar Wilde Memorial Bookshop in New York City

Question: The first known LBGTQ rights organization in America was called what?
Answer: The Society for Human Rights

Question: Greg Louganis won Olympic gold in 1984 and 1988 for what sport?
Answer: Diving

Question: What was Albert's drag name in The Birdcage?
Answer: Starina

Question: Natasha Lyonne played a lesbian forced to go to a conversion therapy camp in what movie?
Answer: But I'm A Cheerleader

Next, here's everything you need to know about Pride.