6 Bachelorette Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Hey, ladies! If you’re planning, attending or hosting a bachelorette party in the near future for your engaged bestie - then listen up, ‘cause this one’s for you! Who to invite, who not to invite, how to deal with paying for it all and everything in between, we’re dishing all the advice on everything to avoid when planning the ultimate bachelorette party!

Marni Rothschild Pictures

1. Timing

If you ask us, we suggest hosting your bach when there’s still plenty of time before the wedding! 1-3 months before is the sweet spot for grabbing your girls and celebrating your upcoming “I do’s.” Truth be told, it’s the perfect amount of time before the wedding - the majority of the planning is done, those excited feelings are really starting to rush in, and it gives plenty of time to recover in case the festivities get a little too much fun ;) Just be sure to allow plenty of time to plan the party, because we all know how jam-packed a bride-to-be’s schedule can get before the big day!

2. The Guest List

This one seems like a no-brainer, but it's worth mentioning, because we’ve all seen some feelings get hurt in the wedding invite department. The bachelorette party guest list should be a small group of the bride's closest friends who are also invited to the wedding. Anyone who is in the bridal party should automatically get an invitation, but the bachelorette is also the perfect time to include some of the bride's close friends who aren’t in the bridal party to make them feel special too, besides… the more the merrier, right? Just make sure to run the final guest list by the bride!

Mariel Hannah

3. Unrealistic Expectations

We blame this one on the movies. There is an unrealistic expectation that the bachelorette party needs to be the most amazing, insane, epic experience and if it is anything short of mind-altering incredible it was somehow a failure of a tribute to the bride. This could not be further from the truth for bachelorette parties in the real world. It’s important to remember what is most important when it comes to planning a bachelorette party: being together with your closest friends, relaxing and celebrating the last little bits of your single status! That’s it. Everything else - the parties, the Instagram-able moments, the signature cocktails, the matching t-shirts, the swag bags - it's all just gravy, so do it your way! It’s also a good idea to keep in mind the cost of the event, whether it be vacation days or a hefty price tag - make sure the activities are within everyone’s budget and realistic for their schedules.

4. Poor Planning

Whatever you decide to do, we can’t say enough how important it is to plan, plan, plan! Decide in advance on where you’re going to go, how you’re going to get there, a list of activities and, of course, how you will get home. If everyone knows all the details, there will be no room for surprises or unhappy guests! Don’t be a bachelorette party dictator, but there needs to be a leader who sets a schedule before everyone arrives. In advance, you can all talk about what you want to do, have those exciting conversations and do the research, so when you are in the moment, you aren’t trying to decide where to eat as everyone is getting hangrier and hangrier. Don’t forget to schedule some downtime! Your girls are going to love the fun activities you have planned, but make sure there’s plenty of time to recover, relax and just enjoy being in the moment with your best girls.

Valorie Darling

5. Planning YOUR Dream Bach, Not the Bride’s

If you’re planning a bachelorette party for your friend, the bride, make sure it’s a party she would want. The last thing you want is for her to be uncomfortable or awkward, or even worse, disappointed. Don’t plan the party YOU want, plan the party she wants. If she is more chill, then a PJ-inspired girls weekend with chick flicks and pedicures it is. If she is a wild child, then bottoms up and off to somewhere fun! The bachelorette party theme or location will really depend on what makes the bride happy and what her ideal party with her friends looks like. Her idea of a party might be different than your idea of a party, and that’s totally okay!

6. Talking About Money Too Late

When it comes to the bachelorette party, the money conversations need to happen right away. Trust us, don’t wait until you’ve already maxed out the credit card for a weekend away treating your friends like royalty when she would have been just as happy with a girls night closer to home. We totally get it, nothing is as uncomfortable to talk about than money. But if you spend money that you don’t have on your friend’s bachelorette party - that is a recipe for disaster! It is so important that you are honest with your friends about how much you can afford and what will be possible on your budget. They’re your friends - they will totally understand! Before the bachelorette party weekend, make sure everyone has a money sharing or payment app that allows you to keep track of expenses. When using an app like Pro Party Planner or Travefy, everyone can easily see who owes who how much. It does all the math for you and it sends your friends reminders to settle up. An app like this makes things SO much easier all you, the bride and the guests of honor!

Ainsley Rose Photography Happy bachelorette planning!