7 Health Benefits of Dry January—from Clearer Skin to Better Digestion

After two months of overindulging, many of us are ready for a serious detox. Whether it was overeating or drinking more than usual, a full-body reset is probably pretty appealing as soon as January hits.

Along with exercising and eating healthier, one of the best ways to cleanse is to cut out alcohol. So, if you're getting ready to jumpstart your New Year’s health goals, you might be interested in the benefits of Dry January.

Related: 22 Funny 'Dry January' Memes That'll Help You Laugh Your Way Through Your Month of Sobriety (and Clarity)

What Is Dry January?

As the name suggests, Dry January is about giving up all forms of alcohol—wine, beer spirits and cocktails—or the first 31 days of the year. The tradition began in the U.K. less than a decade ago and has increased in popularity throughout the world.

“Cutting out alcohol for a mere month can yield amazing health benefits including clearer skin, improved sleep, better digestion and an elevated mood,” says Hilary Sheinbaum, author The Dry Challenge: How to Lose the Booze for Dry January, Sober October, and Any Other Alcohol-Free Month, who studied the topic extensively over the course of writing her book.

Related: 18 Non-Alcoholic Drinks To Enjoy Minus the Hangover This Dry January

7 Health Benefits of Dry January

Still not convinced? Here's a list of health benefits to keep you motivated.

1. Clearer skin

It’s no secret that the morning after drinking, our skin isn't exactly glowing—think tired eyes, dark circles, dull skin, the list goes on and on.

“Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it's going to dry out everything including your skin, increasing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and making your skin more dull-looking,” Sheinbaum explains.

Related: Struggling Through Dry January? These 17 Thirst-Quenching Mocktail Recipes Will Save You

2. Improved sleep

To unwind, many of us have the habit of drinking a glass of wine or two before bed. Even though it helps us fall asleep, it doesn't help us stay asleep. As it turns out, alcohol negatively affects your sleep cycle. “While a drink may sedate you early on, when the body metabolizes the alcohol, it creates awakenings and breaks up sleep,” says Sheinbaum. "This means you aren't going to get the rest you need to recover from the day.”

3. Better digestion

Excess alcohol consumption overwhelms the gastrointestinal tract (GI) and liver, causing damage in the GI and other organs. It leads to intestinal inflammation and problems with the digestion process.

Since the body has to work harder to get rid of toxins, cutting out alcohol allows your body to better convert the food into fuel. This gives us the energy we need to function at our best.

Related: What Are Probiotics and What Do They Do? 

4. Elevated mood

When we drink, it changes our brain chemicals. Serotonin (the feel-good hormone) goes down, and gamma-aminobutyric acid goes up, which has a sedative effect.

“It's no surprise that alcohol is a depressant, so when you eliminate booze from your diet, your mood will likely be more chipper too,” Sheinbaum explains.

5. Promotes metabolic health

Dr. Casey Means, MD, co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Levels, shares the effects alcohol can have on your blood glucose levels.

“Interestingly, many of the symptoms and diseases that slow us down are rooted in metabolic dysfunction and the body’s compromised ability to process glucose (the sugar our cells use for energy) efficiently,” says Dr. Means. “It seems that the way we live, eat, and drink has collectively gummed up the system for many of us, making us sicker, more tired, and less fit than ever.”

Related: What Does 'Recovering' Mean Regarding Alcohol?

6. Sharper focus and motivation

Nothing is worse than the brain fog that follows a night of drinking.

“Removing alcohol from your lifestyle increases the brain's ability to recover and refresh during the night,” explains psychiatric nurse Simone Garland. This in turn means it has better functionality during the day allowing you to keep motivated and focused on your work or life goals.

7. Better control over your lifestyle

Many people are unaware of how often they turn to alcohol—whether it’s a time to celebrate, a time to grieve, or even simply having a long day at work. The solution to most life problems? Have a drink.

“Alcohol is essentially a socially acceptable drug that lots of us don't realize has a hold over how we live,” says Garland. “By removing it for four weeks, we can start to identify areas of our life that we might usually turn to a drink to help. This allows us to start putting in place more constructive and helpful strategies.”

If you have a history of alcohol abuse, take extra precautions

Dry January can become challenging for those who require long-term sobriety or professional, supervised detoxification.

During a difficult time, it’s important to keep a close eye on friends and family who have a history of alcohol abuse.

“While setting an intention of reduced alcohol consumption is a positive goal for the new year and can oftentimes lead to healthier drinking behavior, those with a history of abuse and addiction can often feel lonely and anxious regarding the increased chance of relapse,” Dr. Deena Manion, Clinical Officer at Westwind Recovery explains. “If they do relapse, the resulting guilt and consequences can be devastating.”

That’s why being supportive and making an effort to stay connected is essential—a quick text or phone call can go a long way!

Next up, read about why it was helpful for Jessica Simpson's husband to give up alcohol when she did.
