7 Signs Dogs Give When They Love Their Humans

When a dog loves their humans, they usually have amazing ways of showing it that just warms your heart. Luna the Cockapoo helped her dad come up with the seven ways that dogs show that they love their humans.

The first way a dog shows love is when they bring their toy to you. This could mean they want you to have it, or maybe they would just like to play. Either way, it means that your pup associates you with a good time!

When a pup shows you their belly, it also means that they love you. That is a very submissive pose for a dog to do, so when they ask for belly rubs, consider it a sign of love. Another way they show they care is when the dog won’t stop following you around the house. This just means that you are their person, and they want to be by your side always.

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A dog who loves their person also loves to give them kisses a lot. If your dog is a licker, consider that a sign of affection! Another physical sign is when your dog leans on you. They know they can lean on you for anything, and they just want to cuddle.

When you enter a room, your loving dog is sure to wag his or her tail excitedly. This is another sign they can’t get enough of you. And last but not least, your dog also shows love by staring at you—even if you aren’t looking their way. It’s their way of showing admiration.

Ways to Give Love Back to Your Dog

Dogs show us that they love us in so many ways—and they definitely deserve to have that love returned! Physical affection is really important to dogs because it makes them feel safe and secure. Petting is one great way to show your dog that you care.

Another way to show your affection is through treats! If your dog has a favorite treat, be sure to keep them stocked and give them out regularly. They will be so thankful!

Yet another way that you can show your love is by including the dog on family outings or vacations. They will love the opportunity to explore and go on adventures with you, and it sure beats being boarded at a doggie daycare.

Finally, you can show your dog that you care by letting them sleep with you in bed at night. Dogs love to snuggle and be warm, so they would surely love the opportunity to bunk up with you.

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