7 Wellness Apps for a Healthier Lifestyle

Try these apps if you’re looking to start meditating, curb your smartphone addiction, or make other healthy changes to your day

Get Your Zen On

Headspace app; free, with in-app purchases

Meditation has tons of mental health benefits, but if you’re new to it, it can feel daunting and difficult to start. The Headspace app is a hugely popular choice to make meditation a daily practice with guided sessions that last just minutes at a time. If Headspace isn’t your jam, a few other great meditation apps are Aura and Buddhify.

Curb the Screen Time

Moment app; free

Feel like you’re hooked on your phone? Start tracking how much time you spend on your mobile screen with the Moment app. The first step to fixing a problem is realizing the extent of it; then you can set easy goals to turn it around.

Stay Hydrated

My Water Balance; free

Are you hydrating enough? Start tracking your water intake to help make finishing multiple water bottles a day both a priority and an easier goal.

Sync Your Steps

Fitbit app; free

Fitbit’s got a great range of fitness trackers and smart watches, but you can also use their app to track steps in combination with your smartphone. It’s an easy app to use to track steps alongside workouts, sleep time, and even  female cycles in one place.

Get Focused

Focus Keeper app; $1.99

Wellness isn’t just counting steps and getting zen – it’s training your mind to be healthy, too. If you feel like you can’t concentrate, try the Focus Keeper app for timers to help you stay focused on work or study tasks.

Daily Affirmations

Five Minute Journal app; $4.99

Another healthy habit for your brain? Journaling, especially around positive happenings and affirmations in daily life. Using an app makes it easy to do so on the go, and this one lets you add photos to your daily journaling, too.

Wake Up and Stretch

Yoga Wake Up app; free

Wake up and get your body moving with this app, aiming to replace your morning social media scroll with a 10-minute yoga routine to start your day on a healthier foot.