8 Best Summer Jobs for Teens & Tweens, According to Real Parents

Antonio Diaz/Shutterstock
Antonio Diaz/Shutterstock

Summer jobs offer teens the opportunity to learn, earn valuable work experience, and earn some cash for spending or a savings account. If you've been researching the best summer jobs for your teen, you'll do well to take a tip from parents whose kids have been there. Cozi, the #1 organizing app for families, surveyed real parents on the subject. Here, 10 summer jobs their teens benefited from.

1. Babysitting

One of the most cited summer job ideas is, of course, one of the most time-honored gigs for adolescents. (There are even entire book series about it—hello, The Baby-Sitters' Club!) Parents say caring for little ones offered their teen the best work experience and taught them responsibility. 

2. Camp counseling

Both tweens and teens may be eligible to work as counselors at a local recreation department's day camp or a sleep-away camp. One parent says her 14-year-old made $15 as a camp counselor. The American Camp Association (ACA)'s page is a great resource.  

3. Dog walking 

Though companies like Wag require dog walkers to be 18+, younger teens and tweens can offer there own "independent" dog walking services to their neighbors. Parents say the experience helped their kids "learn timeliness and responsibility."

4. Lawn care

Mowing lawns is another summer gig that kids have been doing for decades. It's easy for kids who are old enough to operate lawnmowers and do other yard work to market their skills around town. Parents describe the job as "a good experience of endurance" for their kids and "great job for young entrepreneurs." 

5. Pet sitting

Young animal lovers might relish the thought of running a pet sitting service to check in on neighbor's cats or other small animals. 

6. Retail job

Some parents say that teens who have moved beyond babysitting or who are looking to diversify their work experience enjoyed working a retail job. 

7. Swim instruction

Tweens and teens who are experienced or competitive swimmers may be qualified to teach swim classes at a local Y or rec department. Check out the American Red Cross to learn how to become certified. 

8. Tutoring

Whether your teen is an A+ English student or STEM whiz, tutoring younger children in one or several school subjects is a way for them to flex their academic muscles during the summer and make extra cash.