8 Easy Ways to Get Healthier This Year

rear view of sporty man watching video tutorials on tablet for massage after a home workout
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If you’re spending countless hours, dollars and brain cells doing every damned thing to keep yourself healthy, we just found you a whole lot more time and energy. Welcome to your new vital stats. Here’s what to do to invest less but get more out of your stay-healthy routine. It’s probably a lot less than you think.

Invest Just 7 Minutes in a Workout

When you’re just starting to exercise, you don’t need to slog through a long session. Just seven minutes can improve your heart and lung health, insulin function, and muscular strength and endurance. Pick 14 bodyweight exercises, some involving resistance (pushups, squats, planks), others involving cardio (jumping jacks, stepups). Do 20 seconds of one, rest for 10 seconds, and move to the next. We’re such believers in the seven-minute workout that we created a whole book of them (Men’s Health 7-Minute Workouts for Fat Burn). Caveat: “A more seasoned trainee will need a higher threshold to see increases in fitness,” says clinical exercise physiologist Dean Somerset, C.E.P., owner of Somerset Fitness in Edmonton.

Book One Visit

If there’s one call you need to make and one place you need to go, make it to your doctor. Your annual physical needs to be, well, annual. “Most people only go to the doctor when there’s an ache in their knee or a cough that won’t quit, but preventive medicine is key,” says Raj Dasgupta, M.D., at the University of Southern California. “You’ll stay on top of your appropriate screenings so you can be ahead of the game.” You have to know how your heart, colon, and everything else is doing to take care of yourself right.

Make Exactly Zero New Year’s Resolutions

“Big resolutions can create immense anxiety because there are so many opportunities for something to go ‘wrong’ over the course of a year,” says Tara McMullin, author of the goal-setting book What Works: A Comprehensive Framework to Change the Way We Approach Goal Setting. Plan in three-month segments instead, she says. You’ll get predictable times to take stock of what’s working and pivot on what’s not. Bonus: We’re much more confident about what we can do over three months, and more confidence makes you more likely to achieve a goal.

Check Your Rxes

It’s possible that you don’t need 1 in 5 prescriptions that you’re currently filling. There are two big reasons people end up with an unnecessary Rx, according to the most recent data published in PLOS One. First, doctors fear malpractice if they don’t give prescriptions. Second, patients often pressure docs to prescribe them something. Save money and time and avoid potential side effects by routinely reviewing all your meds with a physician, says Dr. Dasgupta.

Cut Meditation Obligation

You don’t need to meditate forever for it to have benefits. Try 13 minutes. Researchers at New York University found that guided meditation doesn’t even require 15 minutes a day to bring on decreased negative mood, enhanced attention, better memory, and lower anxiety. Instead, aim for 13, and apps like Ten Percent Happier, Calm, and Liberate are painless ways to get started.

Foam Roll for Just Two Minutes

Stop the endless rolling (or endless avoiding it). All you really need is two minutes. “When you push on a pressure point with a foam roller, your thumb, or any device, it can take about 90 to 120 seconds for the tissue to spasm and then fully release tension,” says Somerset. So there’s no need to spend all morning rolling a few tight spots. Pro tip: “Roll into a spot of mild discomfort, breathe, and imagine the tissue relaxing under the pressure. Then move on to another spot,” he says. “If it’s too intense, the tissue will contract and not relax.”

Check In with Friends

Experts suggests that it only takes having five good friends to boost your health. “There’s a huge amount of epidemiological research showing that the best predictor of your physical wellness, mental health, and even longevity is tied to the number and quality of close friendships you have,” says Robin Dunbar, Ph.D., author of Friends: Understanding the Power of Our Most Important Relationships. To shore up your friendships, ask people to do things with you. Men are often better at connecting side by side than just sitting across from each other over drinks.

Boost Quit-Smoking Success in Two Minutes

A very short conversation with a doctor about smoking was enough to boost the likelihood that people would be smoke-free six months later, according to the most recent research review from the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group. “So many patients I meet with say they’ve tried everything to quit smoking, but often they’re not aware of all the tools we have in our arsenal to help with smoking cessation,” says Dr. Dasgupta.

A version of this story originally appeared in the January/February 2023 issue of Men's Health.

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