
8 Vegetable Peelers That Are Worth Buying for Potatoes, Tomatoes, and More

8 Vegetable Peelers That Are Worth Buying for Potatoes, Tomatoes, and More

8 Vegetable Peelers That Are Worth Buying for Potatoes, Tomatoes, and More

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Almost any potato peeler can handle a single carrot for a salad, but when you need to tackle a bushel of tomatoes for homemade tomato sauce or a big ol’ butternut squash, a specialized vegetable peeler helps.

A vegetable peeler is very similar to a potato peeler, but can vary in size and blade style to make it more suitable to specific foods. For example, tomatoes, with their thin skin and tender flesh, are much easier to peel with a serrated blade. Large vegetables with tougher skins — like that butternut squash, as well as eggplant — benefit from a wider blade. Asparagus, on the other hand, is more efficiently peeled with a smaller, more curved blade. Once you have an effective tool on hand, you can find all kinds of genius new uses for your peeler.

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