9 Ridiculous Things Trump Said at Nashville Rally

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Photo credit: Getty Images


What do the nickname "The MS-13 Lover," wildly inaccurate claims of influence and personal success, and a rant about how Jay-Z swears too much in his songs all have in common? They're all things Donald Trump talked about at his most recent rally.

On Tuesday night, Trump appeared in Nashville before a rabid crowd and whipped them up into a frenzy with old hits like "Lock Her Up (Crooked Hillary Remix)" and new material like "Look at These Big Beautiful Hands." The crowd became especially animated when he encouraged them to chant "animals" in reference to undocumented immigrants, a thing that sounds honestly terrifying to witness.

Toronto Star Washington Correspondent Daniel Dale decided to livetweet the rally so the rest of us could suffer alongside him. Here, nine of the most ridiculous things Trump said.

He came up with a fun new nickname for Nancy Pelosi.

He pulled an "I don't know her" Mariah Carey move.

He asked people in the crowd to...reveal themselves as infiltrators?

He went on a long rant about how Jay-Z curses too much.

He claimed his haters love him.

He misrepresented the details of a terror attack and told a story about it as if it were an urban legend.

He tried to trick the crowd into booing George Bush.

He made up three stories in which people respectfully referred to him as "sir."

He said he has "big, beautiful hands."

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