9 Shocking Clues We Learned from the "Riverdale" Season 4 Trailer

From Seventeen

It's official! In less than a month our lives will be blessed with yet another suspenseful and exciting season of Riverdale. Season four will premiere on October 9th on the CW with a tribute episode to the late Luke Perry. After that, it's unclear what route the storyline will take, but considering the trailer, things are about to get spooky. Here's everything we can expect in the upcoming season of the epic teen drama, according to the trailer, which you can watch here.

Jughead is missing.

Considering the crazy cliffhanger at the end of season three, we know that something bad happens to Jughead by spring break of their senior year, but in the trailer for the new season, the search for Jug is the first thing we are faced with.

Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW

Betty is in trouble.

This is nothing new of course, but it seems like in the upcoming season, Betty is going to face even more danger. At one point in the trailer, we see someone creeping toward Betty and hitting her with what looks like a gun. You can't see who the attacker is, but considering Betty made a lot of enemies in The Farm last season, my money is on Evelyn.

Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW

The FBI is looking into The Farm.

At the end of season three, we met Charles, Betty and Jughead's actual half-brother (sorry Chip). He reveals that he works for the FBI and was helping Alice look into The Farm. In the trailer, we see the beginning of that investigation as images flash on screen of The Farm's headquarters at Sisters of Quiet Mercy covered in police tape.

Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW

Veronica will face a scandal.

As Veronica says herself, "I'm no stranger to scandal." Despite the fact that her dad is behind bars, he's still causing trouble for her (I mean, he did have Hermione arrested), so I would guess whatever scandal Veronica is dealing with, Hiram is probably to blame.

There will be more musical numbers.

Just because Josie is gone doesn't mean the musical numbers are over. Even though Veronica is dealing with a scandal, she still has time to choreograph and perform a very sultry dance routine at Le Bonne Nuit, and I'm going to guess that it's not the only performance of the season. Plus, we know we're getting another musical episode!

And lots more sex.

Of course Varchie and Bughead will still be hopping into bed with each other, respectively.

Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW

And even some football.

Despite everything else going on, our favorite high schoolers will still somehow find time for normal teen activities like football and cheerleading, according to the trailer.

Choni will rule the school.

Is anyone surprised?

Photo credit: The CW
Photo credit: The CW

Jughead is trapped somewhere.

At the end of the trailer, we get a peak into where Jughead has gone. He seems to be stuck in a very small space, unable to get out. Has he been kidnapped? Will he get out? We will have to wait for season four to find out!

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