Adult summer bucket list, Abilene edition

Need an escape from kids out of school? Then look no further than this adult summer bucket list to enjoy your beautiful West Texas summer. No need to leave town for this one.

Pat Green fan Kasey Garcia reacts to the singer's appearance on stage to start his show Saturday at Potosi Live as shown in this Aug. 21, 2021, file photo. Garcia had a seat on the front row, close enough to offer the Texas singer a cold beer minutes later.
Pat Green fan Kasey Garcia reacts to the singer's appearance on stage to start his show Saturday at Potosi Live as shown in this Aug. 21, 2021, file photo. Garcia had a seat on the front row, close enough to offer the Texas singer a cold beer minutes later.
  1. Celebrate your love of beer at SunnHaus Brewery's Third Anniversary Party Saturday. Enjoy snacks from food trucks, live music and of course, a delicious brew or two.

  2. Dress in your finest and attend the third annual Make Your Mark Gala on June 27 at the Abilene Convention Center. Come in your cocktail attire for dinner, drinks, music and a silent auction.

  3. Enjoy a summer concert at Potosi Live. Listen to the sounds of Wade Bowen on July 5 while you chow down on fresh oysters or wings. The concert starts at 7 p.m., so small children will likely skip this one.

  4. Sink your teeth into a fresh pig roast at the Phoenix House Luau and silent auction on July 12. Tickets are $25 per couple or $15 per person.

  5. Need a good laugh? Head on over to Abilene's downtown brewery, Grain Theory, for the Brewery Comedy Tour on July 26. Tickets are available online.

  6. If you are more of a fitness junkie, sign up for the 41st Tour de Gap Bike Ride held July 27. Sign up online for one of three bike routes through Buffalo Gap.

  7. Channel your inner 80s kid when you catch a classic at the Paramount Theater, such as "Jurassic Park" Aug. 10 or "E.T. The Extra Terrestrial" Aug.18.

  8. If curling up with a book is more your fancy, then head over to Seven and One Books for an author signing with James Wade for "Hollow Out the Dark" on Aug. 24.

  9. Devour a Thursday night Steak Night at The Mill Winery. Reserve a seat online with seating first come first served. Plates are $30, but could you put a price on a quiet steak dinner without the kids?

  10. Catch a ballgame with Abilene's new minor league baseball team, The Flying Bisons. Multiple games will be held this summer at McMurry University, and tickets range from $10-13. Make sure you tailgate ahead of time, as there is no alcohol served at the stadium.

  11. Put on your dancing boots and head to recently opened Dark Horse Dance Hall. This 21-and-older dance hall opened in Abilene's SoDA district and offers live music and dance lessons.

  12. Get ready for an adrenaline-packed evening when watching the Abilene Roller Derby at the Convention Center. Attendees are advised to bring chairs, and beer is available to purchase. There are multiple dates this summer to catch.

  13. Lucky No. 13. While technically not in a "summer month," Abilene will still have summer temps come Sept. 14 at Mulligan's Outdoor Bash. Get your tickets now to watch hit-artist Scotty McCreary from Mulligan's expansive lawn. Doors open at 4 p.m.

  14. Love music and wine? Then head to Willow Creek Winery on one of the many live music nights to sit outside by the creek with a nice glass of locally made wine.

  15. Fall in love again at a quiet date night at Cypress Street Station for a taste of the west with their Texas Charcuterie Board. They have the perfect ambiance, and rarely is a kid in sight.

  16. Play like a kid again with a round of margaritas and mini-golf at the newly-opened Lucky Shot Bar & Arcade.

  17. Fancy a modern dinner in a western city? Then look no further than Smokehouse restaurant inside Abilene's newest Doubletree hotel. City of Abilene residents enjoy 20% off their meals all year at this highly rated restaurant.

  18. When you've hit hump day and can't work any longer, catch an all-day Wednesday Happy Hour at Peacock Patio in downtown Abilene. Sit in a swinging chair with a drink in your hand in this hidden downtown oasis.

The band plays to a crowd full of locals enjoying a local brew at Grain Theory's block party held on June 1.
The band plays to a crowd full of locals enjoying a local brew at Grain Theory's block party held on June 1.

Need childcare for your night? Dodge Jones Youth Center is offering a parents' night out on Aug. 16 for $25 per child, and it includes dinner. Now, get outside and enjoy summer!

Summer list for families Summer bucket list: 15 things and counting to do with your family in Abilene

More on Dark Horse Dance Hall New veteran-owned bar and dance hall comes to downtown

Grain Theory's summer block party Grain Theory hosts packed block party to kick off the summer season

This article originally appeared on Abilene Reporter-News: Adult summer bucket list, Abilene edition