What age can children be left home alone in South Carolina? Guidance, responsibility, more

Parents looking to go out for a date night may have a tough time deciding whether to hire a babysitter or leave their child home alone.

Although seeking someone to watch over your child should be considered first and foremost due to safety reasons, there is no law in South Carolina regarding leaving children home unattended.

There also is no specific age where a child may be left alone, although the state has issued a non-legal guideline recommending children under 8 years old never be left by themselves. It is also important to keep in mind that if a child gets hurt while left alone, parents may be held criminally responsible.

Here's what to know before deciding to leave your child home alone in S.C.

What does SC law say about leaving your child home alone?

Most states do not have regulations or laws regarding when a child is considered old enough to stay home alone, including S.C. Some states have guidelines and recommendations that come from child protection services, but these are usually administered at the county or local level, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. This is why you must be ready to assume all responsibility if something goes wrong while leaving your child by themselves.

How old is old enough to leave a child home unsupervised?

Children are developmentally ready to be home alone at the age of 12 or 13, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. Because children develop at their own rates, it is up to you to determine when your child can do so within the boundaries of the law. Your decision should be based on your child's capabilities and maturity level. Per Safe Kids Worldwide, if you have a 13-year-old who is is likely to take risks, you may not want to leave them alone. An 11-year-old who is thoughtful and abides by the household rules may be ready to stay home.

What tasks should a child know how to complete while home alone?

A child should be able to complete the following before being left without supervision, according to Coastal Law Attorneys & Counselors:

? Know how to use a phone and how to dial 911 or Poison Control.

? Follow directions such as "Lock the doors."

? Locate and use supplies like flashlights during a storm.

? Lock and unlock doors and windows.

? Know how to contact parents and other relatives.

? Prepare appropriate snacks and microwave meals, depending on how long parents are away from home.

? Understand that being left alone is a privilege and responsibility ― not a chance for misbehavior.

Questions to ask children before leaving them alone

Prepare your child for being left home by making sure they know how to answer the following questions correctly:

? What would you do if you got home from school and there was no electricity?

? What would you do if there was a tornado or severe weather event?

? What would you do if the smoke alarm went off?

? What would you do if one of the family pets went missing?

? How would you look after your siblings?

? What would you do if a stranger tried to enter the home?

For a complete home alone checklist, visit Weber State University.

Nina Tran covers trending topics for The Greenville News. Reach her via email at [email protected].

This article originally appeared on Greenville News: What age can kids be left home alone in North Carolina?