Alabama Man Honored by the Queen for Inspiring Charity Work

You know you’re doing something right when the Queen takes notice from across the pond. In three years, Rodney Smith Jr. of Huntsville, Alabama has helped mow the lawns of 2,000 elderly, disabled, veterans, and single mothers for free, earning the admiration of Queen Elizabeth herself.

Smith is the founder of Raising Men Lawn Care Service, an organization with 150 members across the country; kids who have pledged to be shining examples in their communities and to help those in need.

The idea for Raising Men Lawn Care Service came to Smith one day when he saw an elderly man cutting his grass and decided to pull over and help him out. He never imagined that it would grow into a foundation with international reach.

“My mission is to encourage kids to get out there and give back to their community,” Smith told ABC News. “I tell people all the time, if they are able, they can make a difference, and my way of making a difference is with a lawnmower.”

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Last week Smith flew home to his native Bermuda where he was presented with the Queen's Award and Badge of Honor, presented by the Governor of Bermuda on the Queen's behalf.

"It makes me feel good to see that the Queen has recognized everything we've done so far," he told local news station WHNT. We can imagine!

To find out more about Raising Men Lawn Care Service and how you can contribute, visit